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The research on the calculation theory and application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in deep mixing pile composite foundation is crucial for advancing the understanding and utilization of this innovative soil improvement technology. Deep mixing piles have demonstrated significant advantages and have been increasingly used in various foundation engineering projects. However, the academic research in this field still lags behind practical applications, limiting the potential development of this technology. This study focuses on analyzing the characteristics of deep mixing piles and investigating the longitudinal interaction mechanism between the piles and the surrounding soil. By integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, valuable methods for the analysis of composite ground can be developed, leading to more efficient and reliable design and construction of deep mixing pile composite foundations. This research aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the field of soil improvement technology and contribute to the advancement of sustainable and innovative foundation engineering practices.
2022-05-23 上传
2022-04-14 上传
105 浏览量
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- 资源: 9323
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