"数据库技术发展历程与趋势: 数据库系统概论(第五版).ppt简介"
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The document "13章-数据库技术发展概述-数据库系统概论(第五版).ppt" provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of the development of database technology. It covers the history of database technology, outlining its origins in the mid-1960s and highlighting key figures such as C.W. Bachman, E. F. Codd, James Gray, and Michael Stonebraker who have significantly contributed to the field.
The document focuses on three main aspects of database technology: data models, database applications, and the development of database management systems. It aims to provide readers with a macroscopic and holistic view of the development of database technology, allowing them to understand the evolution of databases in terms of theory, applications, and system development.
Furthermore, the document briefly discusses the challenges that data management technology faces in the current era of big data, as well as the development and prospects of new data management technologies. It emphasizes the importance of keeping up with the rapidly evolving landscape of data management and the need for innovative solutions to address the increasing complexity and scale of data.
Overall, the document serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking to deepen their understanding of the history and advancements in database technology. It offers insights into the interconnected nature of different branches of database technology and provides a glimpse into the future trends and developments in the field. It is a comprehensive and informative guide that is worth downloading and using for further reference.
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