"SN65LVDT101.pdf: LVDS中继器功能图及性能分析"
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The SN65LVDT101.pdf document provides information on the LVDS repeater, specifically the SN65LVDT101 model. The functional diagram included in the document illustrates the various components and connections of the LVDS repeater.
The LVDS repeater operates at a speed of 2 Gbps and is designed to transmit data with high signal integrity. The supply voltage for the device is specified at 3.3 V, with a differential output voltage of 200 mV. The input common mode voltage is set at 1.2 V. The eye pattern diagram provides a visual representation of the data transmission quality, showing a clean and well-defined signal.
The SN65LVDS100 and SN65LVDS101 models are also mentioned in the document, along with their specifications. These models are part of the same family of LVDS repeaters and offer similar features and performance.
Overall, the SN65LVDT101 LVDS repeater is a high-speed data transmission device that is ideal for applications requiring reliable and efficient communication. Its compact design and robust performance make it a valuable component in various electronic systems.
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