
0 下载量 199 浏览量 更新于2024-02-22 收藏 1.22MB DOC 举报
The research on Carmack's scroll algorithm focuses on the implementation of map double buffering in mobile phone games developed under the J2ME framework. Various algorithms are available for redrawing the map during scrolling, but due to the limitations of mobile phone performance and development constraints, it is important to flexibly select the appropriate technology for the situation. However, under extremely strict conditions such as insufficient system CPU resources and small map tile sizes, issues like screen flickering and low frame rates can severely impact the gaming experience. In such cases where these problems cannot be avoided or mitigated through adjustments to the design plans or the technology framework being used, the implementation of map buffering techniques, such as the Carmack's scroll algorithm, becomes crucial. This classic map buffering technique effectively addresses issues like screen flickering and low frame rates during map drawing, thus improving the overall gaming experience.