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《Angular: Up and Running: Learning Angular, Step by Step》是一本旨在帮助读者理解和掌握Angular框架的实用指南。作者Shyam Seshadri以其深入浅出的方式,将复杂的技术分解成易于理解的概念,让初学者能够逐步学习并构建可扩展的Angular应用程序。 本书结构清晰,每个章节专注于一个特定的Angular概念,并通过丰富的实例来展示其工作原理。这种循序渐进的教学方法使得学习过程既系统又有实践性。每章末尾的练习题和答案,不仅巩固了读者对所学知识的理解,还提供了实际操作Angular的机会,以便于读者在实践中提升技能。 Angular是JavaScript开发中的一个重要框架,它支持单页应用(SPA)的构建,强调组件化开发、依赖注入和指令等核心特性。《Up and Running》涵盖了Angular的基础到高级主题,包括但不限于模板语法、模块系统、指令、服务、表单处理、路由导航以及指令的自定义。书中的内容不仅适合零基础的开发者入门,也适合有一定经验的开发者提升对Angular框架的熟练度。 该书的出版地包括美国的波士顿、法纳姆、塞巴斯托波尔、东京和北京,体现了其全球化的定位和广泛的读者群体。版权信息表明,所有权利归Shyam Seshadri所有,且适用于教育、商业或销售推广用途。O'Reilly Media作为出版社,提供了在线版本供用户选择,并提供联系方式以获取更多关于机构或企业购买的信息。 对于初次接触Angular或者希望进一步提升技能的开发者来说,《Angular: Up and Running》无疑是一本重要的参考资料,它不仅提供了理论知识,更通过实例驱动的方式确保读者能够在实践中真正掌握Angular的核心技术和最佳实践。随着不断更新和修订,这本书持续适应Angular框架的发展,保持其内容的时效性和实用性。
2018-06-17 上传
Chapter 1, Introducing Angular, is an introduction to Angular as well as the concepts behind it. It also covers what it takes to start writing an Angular application. Chapter 2, Hello Angular, walks through creating a very simple Angular application, and diving into how the pieces work together. It also introduces the Angular CLI. Chapter 3, Useful Built-In Angular Directives, digs into the basic built-in Angular directives (including ngFor, ngIf, etc.) and when and how to use them. Chapter 4, Understanding and Using Angular Components, covers Angular components in more detail, as well as the various options available when creating them. It also covers the basic lifecycle hooks available with components. Chapter 5, Testing Angular Components, introduces how to unit test angular components using Karma and Jasmine, along with the Angular testing framework. Chapter 6, Working with Template-Driven Forms, covers creating and working with forms in Angular, specifically template-driven forms. Chapter 7, Working with Reactive Forms, covers the other way of defining and working with forms, which is how to create and develop reactive forms. Chapter 8, Angular Services, covers Angular services, which includes how to use built-in Angular services, as well as how and when to define our own Angular services. Chapter 9, Making HTTP Calls in Angular, moves into the server communication aspect of Angular, and delves into making HTTP calls, as well as some advanced topics like interceptors and the like. Chapter 10, Unit Testing Services, takes a step back and covers unit testing again, but this time with a focus on unit testing services. This includes testing simple services and slightly harder cases like asynchronous flows as well as services and components that make HTTP calls. Chapter 11, Routing in Angular, goes in depth into how we can accomplish routing in an Angular application and covers the Angular routing module in detail as well as a majority of its features. Chapter 12, P