– In case of a cold reset (regardless if by RESET-pin or I2C-request), no renewed on-request is required,
i.e. the device will power-up again if EN input is still above the V
-threshold. (EN considered level-
• Push-Button (PB):
– The PB pin is a CMOS-type input used to power-up the PMIC. Typically, the PB pin is connected to a
momentary switch to ground and an external pullup resistor.
– The hold-time of the push-button is configured by EN_PB_VSENSE_DEGL in MFP_2_CONFIG register.
– The power-up sequence starts if the PB input is below the V
-threshold low for the configured t
– To signify the power-up based on an EN/PB/VSENSE pin-event, the device sets bit
POWER_UP_FROM_EN_PB_VSENSE in POWER_UP_STATUS_REG register.This bit will not assert the
nINT pin. Write W1C to clear the bit.
– The PB pin has a rising-edge deglitch t
to filter bouncing of the switch
– The power-down sequence starts if the PB input is held low for t
-time (not configurable).
– In case of a shut-down fault, no renewed on-request is required, i.e. the device will power-up again without
a PB-press.
– In case of a cold reset (regardless if by RESET-pin or I2C-request), no renewed on-request is required,
i.e. the device will power-up again without a PB-press.
– A push-button press is only recognized after VSYS is above VSYS_POR-threshold or must be held long
enough after VSYS is above VSYS_POR-threshold.
– Following bits in the signify the PB-press events:
• PB_FALLING_EDGE_DETECTED: PB was pressed for > deglitch period (64-218ms) since the
previous time this bit was cleared. This bit when set, will assert nINT pin (if config bit
MASK_INT_FOR_PB='0'). Write W1C to clear.
• PB_RISING_EDGE_DETECTED: PB was released for > deglitch period (64-218ms) since the previous
time this bit was cleared. This bit when set, will assert nINT pin (if config bit MASK_INT_FOR_PB='0').
Write W1C to clear.
• PB_REAL_TIME_STATUS: Deglitched (64-128ms) real-time status of PB pin. Valid only when EN/PB/
VSENSE pin is configured as PB. This bit will not assert the nINT pin.
• Power-fail comparator input (VSENSE):
– Connected to a resistor divider from the supply-line of the pre-regulator, this pin can be used to sense the
supply-voltage to the pre-regulator.
– The deglitch-time of the VSENSE-pin is configurable by EN_PB_VSENSE_DEGL in MFP_2_CONFIG
– Power-up is gated by VSYS being above the VSYS
-threshold and the VSENSE input is above
the V
-threshold (not deglitched)
– The power-up sequence starts if the VSENSE input rises above V
– To signify the power-up based on an EN/PB/VSENSE pin-event, the device sets bit
POWER_UP_FROM_EN_PB_VSENSE in POWER_UP_STATUS_REG register. This bit will not assert
the nINT pin. Write W1C to clear the bit.
– The power-down sequence starts if the VSENSE input falls below the V
-threshold for
, to avoid an un-sequenced power-off due to the loss of VSYS-supply-voltage.
– In case of a shut-down fault, no renewed on-request is required, i.e. the device will power-up again if
VSENSE input is still above the V
– In case of a cold reset (regardless if by RESET-pin or I2C-request), no renewed on-request is required,
i.e. the device will power-up again if VSENSE input is still above the V
• OFF-request by I2C-command
– An OFF-request can also be triggered by an I2C-command to I2C_OFF_REQ in MFP_CTRL register.
– After such an OFF-request, a new ON-request is required:
• In case of EN-configuration, the EN input requires a rising edge (EN considered edge-sensitive)
• In case of PB-configuration, the PB needs to be pressed for a valid ON-request
• In case of VSENSE-configuration, the VSENSE input requires a rising edge (VSENSE considered
edge-sensitive), i.e. a power-cycle on the supply to the pre-regulator will be required.
SLVSGA0 – MAY 2022
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