IDE Project
Several example projects can be found in the PowerPMAC IDE’s installation folder. By default, its
location is as follows:
C:\DeltaTau\PowerPMAC IDE\x\IDE\PowerPMACProjectExamples where x is the main version number
i.e. 3, 4 etc.
Currently there are six examples included:
Project Folder Name Description
DemoBox_4X Basic motor setup for four Brush DC motors in a
single coordinate system, a PLC, and some
IOAccessories Provides header templates for some I/O
Accessories and a sample PLC for MACRO.
Some are for local and remote (via MACRO 8x &
16x Stations) UMAC cards and some
are standalone MACRO Stations.
ModbusLibExample Sample for making a C library using Modbus as
an example.
PowerPmacMacroExample Example Script and C PLCs for MACRO
PowerPmacModbusExample PMAC Script and C application for
communicating as a Modbus Client to a Modbus
Server. Both the Modbus Client and Server are
being executed on the PowerPMAC.
Program Development This sample project and its documentation will
explain and give examples of what to put in each
folder of the Project Manager. Provides some
example programs of different types.
CfromScriptKinExample Shows how to implement Script Kinematic
equations C in usercode.c's CfromScript function.
CfromScriptPlcExample Shows how to use the CfromScript function in a
Real-Time CPLC and in a Background BGPLC.
This example also shows how to return data from
the CfromScript function.
Note that within the Documentation folder in each of these example projects there is a text file explaining
the purpose of the project and how to run it.