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本文主要分享了作者在使用FIREBIRD数据库系统时积累的经验和技巧,对比了FIREBIRD与其他数据库系统如SQL Server (mssql) 和MySQL在性能、安装大小以及特定语法上的差异。 1. 体积与性能对比: FIREBIRD数据库系统在安装体积上显著小于SQL Server和MySQL,对于资源有限的环境,FIREBIRD是一个更轻量级的选择。例如,FIREBIRD 2.3版的安装包只有2.3MB,而SQL Server的一个补丁可能就超过70MB,MySQL则介于20-30MB之间。 2. 访问UDF(用户定义函数)的问题: 在使用自定义函数时遇到权限问题,提示“Access to UDF library 'rfunc.dll' is denied by server administrator”。这通常是因为rfunc.dll UDF库没有放在正确的位置,比如应该放在bin目录或者Windows系统的system32目录下。解决这类问题通常需要确保文件位置正确,并且服务器管理员允许访问。 3. SQL语句的差异: - FIREBIRD和SQL Server在计数查询上的写法不同:在SQL Server中,可以使用`SELECT @i = COUNT(*) FROM table1`,而在FIREBIRD中则需要`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 INTO :i`。 - 子查询的写法也有所区别,FIREBIRD支持在FROM子句中直接使用子查询,而SQL Server可能需要将子查询转换为JOIN操作。 - CASE语句的使用,FIREBIRD需要使用`CASE() AS field`,而在SQL Server中则是`FIELD = CASE()`。 - 获取当前日期和时间,FIREBIRD使用`CURRENT_DATE`和`CURRENT_TIME`,而在SQL Server中是`GETDATE()`。 4. 特殊SQL语法: FIREBIRD支持嵌套的`EXISTS`和`IN`子查询,以及在FROM子句中直接使用子查询,这在其他数据库系统中可能有不同的实现方式。 5. 存储过程的创建: 通过提供的例子展示了如何在FIREBIRD中创建一个名为`SPVARTST2`的存储过程,该过程接受一个输入参数并返回一个值。在存储过程中,使用`FOR`循环遍历数据,并使用`INTO`关键字将结果赋值给变量。 6. 自增字段的处理: FIREBIRD不直接支持像MySQL中的`AUTO_INCREMENT`,而是通过生成器(Generator)来实现自增效果。如果新插入的记录中的序列号`i_seqno`为空,可以使用`GEN_ID(GEN_T_DB_ARTSEQNO_ID, 1)`来获取下一个序列号。 这些经验总结涵盖了FIREBIRD数据库在实际应用中的关键点,包括其高效、轻量级的特点,以及与SQL Server和MySQL在语法和功能上的异同,对于熟悉多种数据库系统的人来说非常有价值。在开发或迁移项目时,了解这些差异可以帮助更好地利用FIREBIRD的优势,并避免可能遇到的陷阱。
2017-10-26 上传
1. What is Firebird Maestro? Firebird免费开源数据库的管理工具 Firebird Maestro is the premier Windows GUI admin tool for development and management of Firebird databases. It allows you to make all the database operations easy and fast. Using Firebird Maestro you can operate database objects, build queries visually, represent databases as ER diagrams, execute queries and SQL scripts, view and edit data including BLOBs, represent data as diagrams, compose OLAP cubes, export and import data to/from most popular file formats, manage access privileges, and use a lot of other tools designed for the easiest and most efficient work with Firebird server. 2. Key features Easy database management Firebird Maestro allows you to create and drop databases quickly. Database profiles give you the opportunity to connect to databases in one touch and work with the selected databases only. Powerful database object management Firebird Maestro provides you with an ability to manage database objects. For example, you can perform operations with a group of objects as well as with a single object in Object Manager, sort, group and filter the database objects within Object Browser, copy an object from one database to another by a drag-and-drop operation inside the explorer tree, use Windows clipboard to copy a set of objects and so on. Working with tables and table subobjects Firebird Maestro wizards and editors allow you to create, edit and drop tables as well as their fields, indexes, triggers and foreign keys in a couple of simple operations. Building and executing queries Firebird Maestro provides two powerful tools which allow you either to edit query text directly with syntax highlighting and code completion or to build a query diagram visually selecting tables and fields, setting links between tables and so on. Support of the latest Firebird features Use Firebird Maestro to work with Firebird 1.0/1.5/2.0/2.1/2.5/3.0! Among other features and objects implemented in the latest versions