
0 下载量 80 浏览量 更新于2024-03-24 收藏 1.53MB DOC 举报
The design of the e-commerce website in this thesis focuses on providing services for couples who are about to get married, as well as for their friends and family. By integrating with the internet, a wedding website is created to offer online ordering and payment services for customers, as well as a webpage for customers to share engagement photos, introduce the basic information of the couple, and provide details of the wedding ceremony such as time and location for guests to refer to. The ultimate goal is to host a clear, systematic, and heartwarming wedding for the customers. This thesis systematically elaborates on the process of designing the website, starting from market research to the completion of the whole project. It begins with an exploration of online wedding market research, highlighting the reasons for choosing to provide online wedding services. The development environment and operating environment of the project are introduced, including technologies such as IIS, SQL Server, and web design tools. The design plan of the website, including technical specifications and column design explanations, is elaborated in detail, with some source code from other projects referenced in the implementation. Lastly, it discusses the strategies for effectively promoting the website and achieving profitability. The thesis concludes with a summary and a list of references. Keywords: market research, design plan, promotion strategy.