"PKCS10 Certification Request Syntax"
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CS10 certification request is typically sent as a data structure that contains information about the entity requesting certification, including their distinguished name and public key. This information is then signed by the entity before being sent to a certification authority for approval.
The certification authority reviews the request and, if everything checks out, issues an X.509 public-key certificate. This certificate is a digital document that includes the entity's public key and is signed by the certification authority to confirm its authenticity.
One important aspect of the PKCS10 specification is that it allows for the inclusion of additional attributes in the certification request. These attributes can provide more information about the entity and their intended use for the certificate, making it easier for the certification authority to make a decision.
Overall, the PKCS10 specification provides a standardized way for entities to request and receive digital certificates. By following this specification, entities can ensure that their certification requests are properly formatted and contain all the necessary information for the certification authority to process them efficiently.
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