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收藏 1.03MB PPTX 举报
• Topic 2: Procurement
• Topic 3: Inventory Management
• Topic 4: Production Planning
• Topic 5: Quality Management
• Topic 6: Plant Maintenance
• Topic 7: Finance and Controlling
• Topic 8: Human Resources
• Topic 9: Business Intelligence
• Topic 10: SAP Implementation Methodology
• Topic 11: Project Management
• Topic 12: Change Management
• Topic 13: Training and Support
The "SAP系统实施" presentation is a comprehensive guide to the implementation of SAP systems. It covers various topics including sales, procurement, inventory management, production planning, quality management, plant maintenance, finance and controlling, human resources, business intelligence, SAP implementation methodology, project management, change management, and training and support.
The presentation is created by Andersen Consulting in November 2000 and provides valuable insights and best practices for implementing SAP systems. It serves as a useful resource for businesses and organizations looking to streamline their operations and improve efficiency through the implementation of SAP systems.
The presentation is well-organized with a detailed table of contents, making it easy for readers to navigate and find information on specific topics of interest. Each topic is covered in-depth, providing an overview of the key concepts, strategies, and considerations for successful SAP implementation.
Overall, the "SAP系统实施" presentation is a valuable resource for businesses and organizations seeking to optimize their operations and leverage the power of SAP systems. It offers practical guidance and best practices for implementing SAP systems across various functional areas, and serves as a comprehensive guide for organizations embarking on SAP implementation projects.
2021-09-22 上传
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