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The GNU Assembler, also known as as_v2.34, is a streamlined version of the GNU Binutils tool, compiled by Ben Shushu in July 2020. This version of the assembler is designed for efficient and effective assembly language programming tasks.
Originally developed by Dean Elsner and Jay Fenlason with support from The Nice Computer Company of Australia, the GNU Assembler has been a vital tool for developers working on the Project gnu. The Free Software Foundation Inc. acknowledges the contributions of TNCCA and thanks them for their support in the development of the first (Vax) version of as.
With a focus on simplicity and functionality, the GNU Assembler provides a user-friendly interface for writing and debugging assembly language code. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, this tool offers a range of features and capabilities to streamline your development process.
For technical support or inquiries, you can reach out to Ben Shushu on WeChat at runninglinuxkernel. The GNU Assembler continues to be a valuable resource for developers around the world, thanks to the dedication and hard work of the individuals and companies involved in its development.
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