Eur. Phys. J. C (2014) 74:3073
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3073-2
Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Counter-rotational effects on stability of 2 + 1-dimensional
thin-shell wormholes
S. Habib Mazharimousavi
, M. Halilsoy
Department of Physics, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, Turkey
Received: 15 July 2014 / Accepted: 10 September 2014 / Published online: 23 September 2014
© The Author(s) 2014. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
Abstract The role of angular momentum in a 2 + 1-
dimensional rotating thin-shell wormhole (TSW) is consid-
ered. Particular emphasis is given to stability when the shells
(rings) are counter-rotating. We find that counter-rotating
halves make the TSW supported by the equation of state
of a linear gas more s table. Under a small velocity dependent
perturbation, however, it becomes unstable.
1 Introduction
Similar to black holes, wormholes in 2 + 1 dimensions also
constitute informative objects to help us learn more about
their higher-dimensional counterparts. The same is also true
for thin-shell wormholes (TSWs) [1] which are constructed
from an energy-momentum at the throat through a cut-and-
paste technique satisfying the proper junction conditions. We
recall that the history of TSWs started with Visser’s construc-
tion in a 3 +1-dimensional flat Minkowski spacetime [1]. At
the same time he extended the idea to the Schwarzschild
spacetime [2]. In his book [3] and work with Poisson [4 ]he
introduced into physics the terminology of TSWs first. In the
latter work they considered also the stability of a TSW. Ever
since, there have been extensive attempts to understand the
various features of the new kind of wormholes. For a short list
of such attempts we refer the reader to [5–17] and references
cited therein. Among the works on TSWs we see general-
izations to higher [18–20] and lower [21–23] dimensions,
and extensions to Lovelock gravity [24–27]. The theory has
also been considered in cylindrical symmetry [28–34], dila-
ton theory [35], and so on. The common feature of all these
extensions is that the bulk spacetimes are all static. We are
well aware of the difficulties in rotating thin-shell worm-
holes (RTSWs). For this reason we restrict ourselves in this
study to the relatively simpler case of 2 +1 dimensions. The
e-mail: habib.mazhari@emu.edu.tr
e-mail: mustafa.halilsoy@emu.edu.tr
absence of gravitational degrees of freedom, namely, Weyl
curvature in the lower dimension enforces us to add new
physical parameters s uch as cosmological constant, electric /
magnetic charge, scalar charge, and rotation. Our aim in this
study is to consider RTSWs in 2 + 1 dimensions. The met-
ric function contains the square of the angular momentum
, which does not distinguish the cases of ±J for angular
momentum. We recall that rotating TSWs constructed from
a Kerr black hole in 3 + 1 dimensions have been consid-
ered in [36] and their geodesics have been analyzed in [37].
Also rotational effects for collapsing thin shells in 2 +1 and
4 + 1 dimensions have been considered in detail in [38,39],
In our analysis of TSWs we observe that the off-diagonal
components of the extrinsic curvature tensor k
and related
components of the surface energy-momentum at the throat
vanish in the case that we assume counter-rotating com-
ponents of shells at the throat. The gas pressures from the
upper and lower shells cancel each other to modify the equa-
tion of state to the extent that it becomes equivalent to a
static case. We may draw a rough analogy with the rotat-
ing Earth. Due to the non-inertial effects curly geodesics of
winds, i.e. the Coriolis effect matching at the equator, are
counter-circular in different hemispheres. If the two hemi-
spheres of our Earth were counter-rotating instead of coro-
tating the curly motions should be identical. Counter-rotation
at the throat in the case of TSWs allows us to choose a simpler
surface energy-momentum tensor and study the stability con-
dition. We can choose, for instance, a linear gas (LG) equation
of state (EoS) at the junction in which the pressure is linearly
related to the mass density. For such a LG the counter-rotating
components make the TSW more stable. Increasing the angu-
lar momentum magnitude, i.e. the relative rotation, stabilizes
the TSW further. Our next attempt toward a s table TSW is
to assume a velocity dependent perturbation of the LG. It is
observed that our stability argument is restricted by the linear
perturbation alone in which at the equilibrium radius (R
have the initial conditions
= 0. Once we assume