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"Spark for Python Developers" 是一本由Packt Publishing在2015年出版的书籍,主要面向熟悉Python编程的开发者,旨在帮助他们学习和理解Apache Spark。该书深入探讨了如何在生产环境中使用Spark进行大数据集群计算。作者包括Ilya Ganelin、Ema Orhian、Kai Sasaki和Brennon York。 Apache Spark是大数据处理领域的一个强大工具,它提供了一个分布式、内存计算框架,可以极大地提升数据处理的速度和效率。对于Python开发者来说,Spark提供了PySpark接口,使得使用Python编写分布式应用程序变得简单易行。本书可能涵盖了以下关键知识点: 1. **Spark基础知识**:介绍Spark的基本架构,包括Master和Worker节点,以及如何设置和管理Spark集群。 2. **PySpark入门**:讲解如何安装和配置PySpark环境,以及如何创建和操作SparkContext,这是PySpark程序的基础。 3. **RDD(Resilient Distributed Datasets)**:RDD是Spark的核心数据结构,书中会解释其概念、创建、转换和行动操作,以及如何利用RDD的弹性特性处理数据错误。 4. **DataFrame和Spark SQL**:随着Spark的发展,DataFrame和Spark SQL成为处理结构化数据的主要方式。这部分会介绍如何使用DataFrame API进行数据操作,以及如何执行SQL查询。 5. **Spark Streaming**:Spark支持实时流处理,书中可能会介绍如何使用DStream(Discretized Stream)处理连续的数据流,并实现实时分析。 6. **Spark MLlib**:Spark的机器学习库MLlib提供了各种算法,包括分类、回归、聚类和协同过滤等。这部分将涵盖如何使用这些算法构建预测模型。 7. **Spark GraphX**:对于图数据的处理,GraphX提供了API来创建和操作图,适合于社交网络分析、推荐系统等场景。 8. **Spark性能优化**:讨论如何通过调整配置参数、数据分区策略和缓存机制来提升Spark应用的性能。 9. **Spark与Hadoop集成**:由于Spark可以在Hadoop之上运行,书里可能包含如何与HDFS、HBase等Hadoop生态系统组件交互的内容。 10. **案例研究**:通过实际项目或案例,展示如何在生产环境中部署和管理Spark应用,以及解决可能出现的问题。 这本书对于希望利用Python和Spark处理大规模数据的开发者来说,是一份宝贵的参考资料,它不仅介绍了理论知识,还提供了实践经验,有助于读者快速上手并掌握Spark的核心功能。
2016-01-05 上传
Paperback: 146 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (February 4, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 1784399698 ISBN-13: 978-1784399696 Key Features Set up real-time streaming and batch data intensive infrastructure using Spark and Python Deliver insightful visualizations in a web app using Spark (PySpark) Inject live data using Spark Streaming with real-time events Book Description Looking for a cluster computing system that provides high-level APIs? Apache Spark is your answer―an open source, fast, and general purpose cluster computing system. Spark's multi-stage memory primitives provide performance up to 100 times faster than Hadoop, and it is also well-suited for machine learning algorithms. Are you a Python developer inclined to work with Spark engine? If so, this book will be your companion as you create data-intensive app using Spark as a processing engine, Python visualization libraries, and web frameworks such as Flask. To begin with, you will learn the most effective way to install the Python development environment powered by Spark, Blaze, and Bookeh. You will then find out how to connect with data stores such as MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, and Hadoop. You'll expand your skills throughout, getting familiarized with the various data sources (Github, Twitter, Meetup, and Blogs), their data structures, and solutions to effectively tackle complexities. You'll explore datasets using iPython Notebook and will discover how to optimize the data models and pipeline. Finally, you'll get to know how to create training datasets and train the machine learning models. By the end of the book, you will have created a real-time and insightful trend tracker data-intensive app with Spark.