Physics Letters B 790 (2019) 332–338
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Physics Letters B
Probing the CP-Violation effects in the hττ coupling at the LHC
Xin Chen
, Yongcheng Wu
Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Beijing 100084, China
Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100084, China
Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Physics, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
31 August 2018
in revised form 1 January 2019
18 January 2019
online 24 January 2019
A. Ringwald
A new method used to calculate the neutrino for all major tau hadronic decay event by event at the LHC
is presented. It is possible because nowadays better detector description is available. With the neutrino
fully reconstructed, matrix element for each event can be calculated, the mass of the Higgs particle can
also be calculated event by event with high precision. Based on these, the prospect of measuring the
Higgs CP mixing angle with h → ττ decays at the LHC is analyzed. It is predicted that, with a detailed
detector simulation, with 3 ab
of data at
s = 13 TeV, a significant improvement of the measurement
of the CP mixing angle to a precision of 5.2
can be achieved at the LHC, which outperforms the
sensitivity from lepton EDM searches up to date in the hττ coupling.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP
1. Introduction
To account for the large asymmetry between the matter and
anti-matter in our Universe, enough CP violation effects should
be presented in the theory. However, in the Standard Model, the
CP phase in the CKM matrix is not sufficient for this purpose.
New physics is therefore needed to introduce more CP violation
sources. Possible candidates are Supersymmetry, Left–Right Sym-
model, etc.
the other hand, the new discovered Higgs boson also opens
a window towards the new physics. The precision measurement
of Higgs properties will be one of the most important targets of
the LHC in the next running periods. Among them, the CP prop-
is an important topic. The pure CP eigenstate assumption has
already been investigated at the LHC experiments [1–3]in the di-
decays, and the pure CP-odd situation is excluded better that
99.9% CL. The h → ZZ
→ 4l is the golden channel for this mea-
subject to the scale suppression due to dim-6 operators,
whereas for the Yukawa coupling, h → ττ is the best channel we
could use and is widely investigated in the literature [4–23]. How-
the missing neutrino from the decay of each tau makes it
difficult to achieve a better precision on measuring the CP mix-
Corresponding author.
addresses: xin.chen@cern.ch (X. Chen), ycwu@physics.carleton.ca (Y. Wu).
ing angle (φ) of the hττ interaction which we assume to have the
following effective form:
L =−y
τ (cos φ +iγ
sin φ)τh, (1)
In this work, utilizing the mass constraints and impact param-
the new method in [5]to reconstruct neutrinos with impact
parameters and resolutions taken into account is used, which is
combined with the matrix element in the LHC setting for the first
time. With the momentum of the neutrino from the tau decay fully
reconstructed within certain accuracy, an observable based on the
matrix element to retrieve the CP information in the hττ inter-
can be calculated, which can achieve higher precision as
it contains more information in the final states integrated in the
matrix element. Under this framework, all major tau hadronic de-
modes are included and combined in this work simultaneously,
which gives the important prediction on the best we can do with
the Higgs CP in its fermionic coupling at the LHC. Similar to [24],
the energy-angle correlations of the final tau lepton decay prod-
are used to extract the CP information. A detailed simulation
study shows that a significant improvement of the measurement
of the CP mixing angle can be achieved. The method is illustrated
using the measurement of CP-violation effects in hττ interaction
as an example, extension to other situation containing tau decay
should be straightforward and will further improve the precision.
this work, the track trajectory is assumed to follow a he-
as opposed to an idealized straight line assumed in [18,21].
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by