Fig. 2. Basic lifting step. (a) Conventional lifting. (b) Proposed Barbell lifting.
The following subsections will discuss the core techniques
employed in our proposed coding scheme, such as Barbell
lifting, layered motion coding, 3-D entropy coding and base
layer embedding. At the same time, we also cite several related
techniques used in other schemes so as to give audience a fuller
A. Barbell Lifting
In many previous 3-D wavelet coding schemes, the concept of
lifting-based 1-D wavelet transform is simply extended to tem-
poral direction as a transform along motion trajectories. In this
case, the temporal lifting is actually performed as if in 1-D signal
space. This requests an invertible one-to-one pixel mapping be-
tween neighboring frames so as to guarantee that the prediction
and update lifting steps operate on the same pixels. However, the
motion trajectories within real-world video sequences are not
always as regular as expected, and are sometimes even unavail-
able. For example, pixels with fractional-pixel motion vector are
mapped to “virtual pixels” on reference, which cannot be di-
rectly updated. In the case of multiple pixels mapping to one
pixel on reference, the related motion trajectories will merge.
For covered and uncovered regions, motion trajectories will dis-
appear and appear. The direct adoption of 1-D lifting in temporal
transform cannot naturally handle these situations. It motivates
us to develop a more general lifting scheme for 1-D wavelet
transform in a high-dimensional signal space, where multiple
predicting and updating signals are supported explicitly through
Barbell functions.
When the lifting scheme developed by Sweldens [36] is di-
rectly used in temporal direction, the basic lifting step can be il-
lustrated in Fig. 2(a). A frame
is replaced by superimposing
two neighboring frames on it with a scalar factor
by the lifting representation of the temporal wavelet filter. No-
tice that only one pixel, of the signals
and respectively,
is involved in the lifting step. In the proposed Barbell lifting as
shown in Fig. 2(b), instead of using a single pixel, we use a func-
tion of a set of nearby pixels as the input. The functions
and are called as Barbell functions. They can be any linear
or nonlinear functions that take any pixel values on the frame
as variables. The Barbell function can also vary from pixel to
pixel. Therefore, the basic Barbell lift step is formulated as
According to the definition of basic Barbell lifting step, we
give a general formulation for
-level MCTF, where the th
consists of lifting steps.
Assume that
denotes input frames of the
th MCTF and denotes the result of the
th lifting step of the th MCTF. indicates
the frame index.
For odd
, the th lifting step modifies odd-indexed frames
based on the even-indexed frames, as formulated in (2). For
, the th lifting step modifies even-indexed frames
based on the odd-indexed frames, as formulated in (3). Here
and are filter coefficients specified by the
lifting representation of the
th level temporal wavelet filter.
are the Barbell function operators to generate lifting signal
in odd and even steps, respectively. After all the lifting steps,
we get the lowpass frames and highpass frames, defined by
and , respectively.
Theoretically, arbitrary discrete wavelet filter can be adopted
in MCTF easily based on (2) and (3). But the biorthogonal
filter is the one which has already been verified prac-
tical with good coding performance so far. It consists of
two lifting steps:
. In this case, and
are commonly called as prediction and update steps, respec-
tively. In multilevel MCTF, the lowpass frames of a MCTF level
are fed to the next MCTF level by
. Finally,
-level MCTF outputs temporal subbands: highpass
, and lowpass subband
1) MC Prediction: We discuss the Barbell function of MC
prediction. Assume that there is a multiple-to-multiple mapping
from frame
to frame , based on the motion be-
tween these frames and the correlation in related pixels. For any
,wedefine as the set
of pixels in
that is mapped to. For each pair of pixels
, weighting parameter is in-
troduced for prediction, to indicate the correlation strength be-
tween pixel
and . The operator
based on Barbell lifting is defined as
and are coordinates of pixels and , in frames
and , respectively. The weighting parameters
are subject to the constraint
There are two types of parameters in the Barbell function:
the mapping from
to and the weighting param-
. The mapping can be derived from motion vec-
tors estimated based on the block-based motion model. In gen-
eral, motion vector is up to fractional pixel for accurate predic-
tion, such as
-pel and -pel in H.264/AVC. The Barbell