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With the development of economy and the advancement of technology, high-frequency switching power supplies have been widely used in power systems, railway systems, communication systems, and computer systems, among other fields. Switching power supplies have become the mainstream of stable power supplies due to their high reliability, low cost, compact size, and high precision. With the continuous improvement of people's material needs, new requirements are put forward for the use of switching power supplies, namely green power supplies. The so-called green power supply refers to the performance of including the existing advantages of switching power supplies and also having high efficiency, low power consumption, meeting EMC standards, environmental protection functions, and other aspects. The requirements of green power supply technology also indicate a new development trend for engineers engaged in switching power supply development. This paper will use the developed product as an example to describe the design process of small green-power switching power supplies and the implementation of functions. It will focus on the design and optimization parameters of converters and loops to achieve low power consumption indicators and product longevity, as well as provide detailed explanations of the significance of meeting EMC standards, standby low power consumption, and implementing environmental protection functions. Additionally, the current situation and future prospects of switching power supplies used in China will be discussed in detail. Keywords: Green Power Supply, Environmental Protection, EMC Standards, Low Power Consumption
Keywords: Green Power Supply, Environmental Protection, EMC Standards, Low Power Consumption.
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