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Based on the bachelor's thesis "Design of Intelligent Computer Cooler Based on Single Chip Microcomputer.doc", the increasing popularity of notebook computers has raised concerns about heating issues. As the number of notebook users continues to grow, so does the need for effective cooling solutions. Overheating can cause unexpected shutdowns and system failures, making cooling systems a critical aspect of notebook design.
To address this issue, cooling pads have been designed to quickly dissipate heat generated by notebooks while maintaining their functionality and preventing damage to internal components. A well-designed cooling pad can significantly extend the lifespan of a notebook computer. This thesis delves into the issue of heating and proposes a smart cooling pad design based on single chip microcontroller technology.
The smart cooling pad system developed in this thesis is built around the STC90C51 core from STC Corporation, considering a balance between cost and performance. The circuit design is simple and suitable for mass production, achieving efficient cooling, minimal cost, energy savings, and intelligent control. The system is cost-effective and market-oriented, providing effective cooling solutions while prioritizing energy efficiency and intelligence.
In conclusion, this bachelor's thesis explores the importance of cooling solutions for notebook computers and proposes a smart cooling pad design based on single chip microcontroller technology. By optimizing cost, performance, and energy efficiency, this system offers a practical and efficient cooling solution for notebook users.
- 粉丝: 379
- 资源: 8万+
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