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With the deep integration of computer and network, the advancement of network technology has made significant progress, enabling various fields of work and daily life to be seamlessly integrated with the network. Consequently, ensuring the security of network information has become a crucial area of research. While the internet provides a wealth of information, the transmission of information over public channels may lead to issues such as theft or tampering of data. Such breaches not only pose risks to personal safety but also have implications for national security strategies. Therefore, in-depth research and utilization of encryption technology are essential in safeguarding information security.
Among the various encryption technologies, RSA is considered one of the most outstanding cryptographic systems and serves as the standard data encryption algorithm. This algorithm effectively ensures data security and has become widely used as a highly secure cryptographic technique. In this context, this study leverages the RSA algorithm in combination with Python technology to develop a data encryption software aimed at enhancing information security in network communications.
Keywords: Public Key Cryptosystem; RSA Algorithm; Python.
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