978-1-5386-1106-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 828
The 2017 4th International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI 2017)
Performance Analysis of Variable Length Sliding Window Network
Coding in MANETs
Yan Xie
School of electronic information
Hunan Institute of Information Technology
Changsha 410151, China
E-mail: whicu_xie@sina.com
Baolin Sun
, Chao Gui, Ying Song
School of Information and Engineering
Hubei University of Economics
Wuhan 430205, China
E-mail: blsun@163.com, gui_chao@126.com,
Abstract—Network coding (NC) is considered as a promising
technique to increase the bandwidth available in a Mobile Ad
hoc NETwork (MANET). Sliding-window Network Coding is a
variation of NC that is an addition to TCP/IP and improves the
network throughput of TCP on MANETs. In this paper, we
investigate the performance of the network-coded system in
terms of the probability that the destination node will
successfully recover the source packets of the source nodes. We
propose a Variable Length Sliding Window Network Coding
algorithm in MANETs (VLSWNC). The performance of the
VLSWNC is studied by using NS2 and evaluated in terms of
the network throughput, packet loss probability, and decoding
delay when data packet is transmitted. The simulations result
shows that the VLSWNC can significantly improve the
network throughput and achieves higher diversity order.
Keywords- MANET; Variable Length Sliding Window;
Network Coding
Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) consist of a large
number of mobile nodes which are randomly deployed with
mobility, computation, and communication capabilities. The
MANET is a multi-hop self-organizing network system.
When one node moves out of or into the transmission range
of another node, the wireless link between the two becomes
down or up [1–6]. Although, MANET has its limitations,
such as mobile node’s energy, communication link,
computing and storage capacity are very limited and so on.
How to improve network efficiency and decrease network
decoding delay is still a main challenge.
Network Coding (NC), originally proposed by Ahlswede
et al. in [1], questions the store and forward mechanism and
sets out a new network understanding. But they did not give
a specific network coding implementation. Jaggi et al. [2]
gave deterministic polynomial time algorithms and even
faster randomized algorithms for designing linear codes for
directed acyclic graphs with edges of unit capacity. Network
coding is not new, and has its foundation in different systems
which were highlighted by Yeung [3] while discussed the
historical perspective of network coding, leading to the
seminal paper on network coding. In the literature [3,4], the
author therefore provide a tutorial concerning the basic
concepts of NC, dealing with the classification of particular
relay modes, and presenting new wireless relay node
protocols with/without NC. The authors compare the
available wireless relay node protocols with/without NC.
Aktas et al. [5] proposed a simple yet effective wireless
network coding and decoding technique for a multiple
unicast network. Kagi et al. [6] proposed an efficient and
reliable packet transmission algorithm by using multipath
routing constructs from multiple node disjoint routes, and by
applying network coding which allows packets encoding at a
relay node.
In our previous study, we proposed a network coding
multipath routing algorithm in WSN (NC-WSN) [7], which
is typically proposed in order to increase the reliability of
data transmission or to provide load balancing. In the
literature [8], we proposed a Network Coding based Priority-
packet Scheduler Multipath routing in MANET using fuzzy
controllers (NCPSM). Specifically, differentiated packet
scheme with feedback preference information (FPI) is
studied in detail to illustrate the implement of the new
This paper analyzes the performance of sliding window
with network coding in MANETs. We propose a Variable
Length Sliding Window Network Coding algorithm in
MANETs (VLSWNC). The packets at source nodes are
transmitted on the MANETs. Then, intermediate nodes
encode the received packets and forward the new packets to
next node. Finally, the destination node decodes the packets
received from different paths and recovers the original data.
The performance of this VLSWNC is studied by using
Network Simulator (NS-2) and evaluated in terms of the
network throughput, packet loss probability, and decoding
delay when packet is transmitted.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
discusses the some related work. Section III describes a
variable length sliding window algorithm in MANET.
Section IV introduces network coding mechanism in
MANET. Some simulating results are provided in section V.
Finally, the paper concludes in section VI.
*Author for correspondence: Baolin Sun, E-mail: blsun@163.com