精通Ionic 2:第二版 - 移动应用开发指南

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"Learning Ionic 2 - Second Edition.pdf" 本书是关于 Ionic 2 的第二版教程,主要聚焦于使用 HTML5、SCSS 和 Angular 构建混合移动应用。作者 Arvind Ravulavaru 提供了全面的知识和实践指导,帮助开发者掌握构建跨平台移动应用的技能。 Ionic 2 是一个基于 Angular 2 的开源框架,它允许开发者使用 Web 技术(如 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript)来开发原生的移动应用。这个第二版详细介绍了 Ionic 2 的最新特性和改进,包括: 1. **Angular 2 基础**:在 Ionic 2 中,Angular 2 作为基础框架,因此理解 Angular 的组件、服务、依赖注入和路由等核心概念至关重要。书中会涵盖这些基础知识,帮助读者快速上手。 2. **Ionic CLI 和工作流**:学习如何安装和使用 Ionic Command Line Interface (CLI) 创建新项目,管理页面、服务和组件,以及如何进行调试和构建应用。 3. **UI 组件**:Ionic 2 提供了一系列预定义的 UI 组件,如卡片、表单、导航栏等,用于创建现代且用户友好的界面。书中会详细介绍如何使用这些组件以及自定义它们。 4. **数据存储和API交互**:了解如何使用本地存储(如 SQLite 或 SQLite Plugin)以及与远程 API 进行通信,实现数据的持久化和同步。 5. **导航和路由**:在 Ionic 应用中,理解和使用导航和路由机制是至关重要的,书中会讲解如何配置和管理页面间的导航。 6. **插件集成**:了解如何集成第三方 Cordova 插件,以访问设备功能,如摄像头、GPS 和蓝牙等。 7. **性能优化**:讨论如何优化 Ionic 2 应用的性能,包括代码分割、延迟加载和使用 AOT 编译等技巧。 8. **测试和部署**:学习如何编写单元测试和端到端测试,以及如何将应用发布到 App Store 和 Google Play。 9. **离子服务**:介绍 Ionic Pro 服务,如实时更新、错误跟踪和诊断工具,以及如何利用它们提升开发效率。 10. **最佳实践**:书中还会分享关于编码风格、架构设计和项目组织的最佳实践,帮助开发者遵循良好的开发习惯。 通过本书,读者将能够掌握使用 Ionic 2 开发高质量混合移动应用的全面技能,并了解如何利用最新技术趋势来增强应用的功能和用户体验。无论你是初学者还是有经验的开发者,都能从本书中受益,实现快速开发和部署跨平台的原生移动应用。
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Learning Ionic 2 - Second Edition by Arvind Ravulavaru English | 4 May 2017 | ASIN: B01BGV25GS | 378 Pages | AZW3 | 10.51 MB Create real-time hybrid applications with the leader of HTML5 frameworks: Ionic Framework About This Book Step into the world of amazingly interactive and real-time app development using Ionic 2 Leverage the powerful Angular 2 along with Ionic to develop cutting edge apps Detailed code examples and explanations will help you get up and running with Ionic quickly and easily Who This Book Is For This book is for JavaScript developers with basic skills. No previous knowledge of Ionic is required for this book. What You Will Learn Understand the workings of the mobile hybrid architecture Transform the single page template to a multi-page template using components such as Tabs Integrate Ionic API components in your app Theme Ionic apps as well as customize components using Ionic SCSS support Design and build an app that involves both device features as well as third-party integration Deploy the Ionic apps to stores and manage their subsequent releases Perform unit testing, end to end testing, and device testing on your apps In Detail Ionic makes it incredibly easy to build beautiful and interactive mobile apps using HTML5 and AngularJS. Ionic 2 represents that collective learning about how to make the web do more on mobiles. Ionic 2 not only makes app development easier and faster, but also makes it more fun. This hands-on guide will help you understand the Ionic framework and how you can leverage it to create amazing real-time applications with exciting interactive features. We begin by covering the essential features of Angular 2 and then dive straight into how Ionic fits in today's world, providing you with a good understanding of the mobile hybrid architecture along the way. Further on, you will learn how to work with Ionic components, allowing you to build layouts using Ionic framework, be it single page or multi-page. We take a look at theming Ionic apps using the built-in SCSS setup, work with Ionic API components, and create a “Thought Journal” app that needs session and data to be managed on the client side. After that, we explore Cordova and ngCordova and you will learn how to integrate device-specific features through a food allergy notification app. Lastly, you will learn to test the apps that you have built so far, migrate existing Ionic 1 apps to Ionic 2, and deploy them to the App Store. By the end of this book, you will be able to develop hybrid mobile applications from start to finish.