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In 2015, the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) conducted a comparison of different sonar survey data for underwater target detection. The study, known as Shallow Survey 2015 Common Data Set, was analyzed by Andy Talbot, a Bathymetry Advisor at the UKHO. The focus of the analysis was on the comparison of Target Detection Test lines. It is important to note that this study specifically looked at bathymetry data and did not include water column or backscatter data. Talbot also utilized work from Luke Elliott in his analysis.
The specifications of the survey lines used in the comparison were as follows: the lines ran from north to south with a maximum offline tolerance of 5 meters. The survey was conducted with a swath angle of 140 degrees at a survey speed of 6 knots. Each target was surveyed with 3 lines, resulting in a total of 12 survey lines for all targets.
The study included data from multiple systems used for underwater surveys. These systems, manufactured by different companies, utilized various technologies and parameters for data collection. The data comparison focused on the maximum frequency of the sonar, the number of beams used, and the maximum swath angle of each system.
In summary, the study carried out by the UKHO in 2015 involved a comprehensive comparison of underwater target detection using different sonar survey data. The analysis, conducted by Andy Talbot, aimed to provide insights into the effectiveness and accuracy of various sonar systems in detecting underwater targets. The comparison included an evaluation of the specifications and technologies utilized by different manufacturers, shedding light on the capabilities and limitations of the surveyed systems.

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