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手机通信专有名词中英文对照: A3 Authentication algorithm A3 用户鉴权过程算法簇 A38 A single algorithm performing the functions of A3 and A8 综合算法A3和A8的算法 A5/1 Encryption algorithm A5/1 加密算法A5和A1 A5/2 Encryption algorithm A5/2 加密算法A5和A2 A5/X Encryption algorithm A5/0-7 加密算法A5/0-7 A8 Ciphering key generating algorithm A8 用于密钥估算的算法簇 AB Access Burst 准予脉冲 AC Access Class (C0 to C15) 准予分类 The aforementioned terms are essential in the field of mobile communication technology. The focus of these terms revolves around the security and encryption of communication through mobile devices. These terms include specific algorithms and keys that are utilized in the authentication and encryption processes within mobile communication systems. The use of these terms demonstrates the complexity and sophistication of mobile communication technology, highlighting the level of security and privacy that is involved in modern mobile communications. As technology continues to advance, these terms will remain crucial in ensuring the integrity and security of mobile communication systems.