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ic development (materials, energy, information). Information is the foundation of management and the basic basis for decision-making. In an organization, information is considered as the fourth resource, in addition to human, material, and financial resources, and it occupies an important position. However, information is a non-material, new form of resource, and it must be managed and controlled. The card approval management system is the application of IT technology for the management of card approval information. It can collect and store the archives of card approval information, provide interfaces for updating and retrieving card approval information archives, and improve work efficiency. The system uses JSP as the programming language. This paper mainly introduces the development background of the topic, the functions to be completed, and the development process. It focuses on the key points of system design, design concepts, technical difficulties, and solutions.
Keywords: card approval; management; system; development.
当今社会已进入信息社会时代,信息广泛受到社会关注,作为社会和科学技术发展的三大支柱(材料、能源、信息)之一。信息是管理的基础,是决策的基本依据。在一个组织里,信息被视为第四种资源,占据重要地位。然而,信息是一种非物质、新形式的资源,必须进行管理和控制。制卡审核管理系统是将 IT 技术用于制卡审核信息管理的应用。它能够收集与存储制卡审核的档案信息,提供更新与检索制卡审核信息档案的接口,提高工作效率。该系统采用 JSP 作为编程语言。本论文主要介绍了课题的开发背景、所要完成的功能以及开发过程。重点关注系统设计的要点、设计思想、技术难点和解决方案。
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