
0 下载量 43 浏览量 更新于2024-04-06 收藏 5.57MB DOCX 举报
Abstract: The development of the Internet has greatly expanded the options for consumers when it comes to purchasing goods. Online shopping has become more prevalent, offering a convenient alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Virtual try-on technology has emerged as a solution to help consumers make informed decisions when buying products online. In today's society, the global prevalence of myopia is at an alarming rate of 22%, with China being a major afflicted country where 47% of the population suffers from myopia. As eyeglasses become a common solution for myopia, the demand for eyewear is soaring. However, certain regions may lack access to a variety of eyewear choices in physical stores, and online shoppers face challenges in trying on eyeglasses virtually, leading to misconceptions and a high rate of product returns. Utilizing virtual try-on technology can significantly reduce user biases towards product appearance and fit, thereby enhancing the online shopping experience. Virtual try-on technology is expected to prosper in the era of the Internet, promoting rapid advancements in computer vision. This paper focuses on feature point regression as the foundation, training a deep learning neural network model to regress the coordinates of the human face's eyes. By calculating the tilt angle of the eyes' coordinates, applying affine transformation to rotate images, and merging eyeglasses with the face images for dynamic virtual try-on, this technology offers a novel approach to enhancing the virtual try-on experience for eyeglasses. Keywords: Feature point regression; Virtual try-on for eyeglasses; Image merging; Affine transformation.
2015-07-30 上传
一、 智宇眼镜模拟试戴系统简介 智宇眼镜模拟试戴系统采用独特的数字图像处理技术,全球独创眼镜拍照装置及眼镜图像透明度获取理论,将人的裸眼头像与眼镜图像直接合成为一张图片。其它所有眼镜模拟试戴系统都是以flash技术为基础,在flash平台上,首先显示头像,然后在头像上叠加经过透明处理的眼镜flash文件。智宇眼镜试戴系统分为单机版和网络版。单机版适用于眼镜店,有头像拍摄、眼镜管理、顾客管理、实拍对比,框架眼镜模拟试戴,隐形眼镜模拟试戴、镜片染色、试戴眼镜款式自主添加等功能。网络版与网络结合在一起,可以通过网络向顾客提供模拟试戴服务。解决了消费者网购眼镜无法试戴的问题。 二、 智宇眼镜模拟试戴系统的优点 1) 智宇试戴系统根据眼镜图片的尺寸、眼镜真实尺寸、以及瞳距等信息,根据独创的算法实现了精确的等比例试戴。 2) 以flash为平台的眼镜模拟试戴系统能被破解,保密性不强,在系统使用之前要下载庞大的flash组件,严重影响速度。而智宇眼镜模拟试戴系统生成系统库及软件,破解难度极大,且无需加载任何额外组件,大大提升了速度。 3) .智宇眼镜模拟试戴系统将头像与眼镜合成为一张图片,与真实情况相同。而其它眼镜试戴系统将眼镜图片浮于人脸上方,极不真实。 4) 其它眼镜试戴系统需将眼镜图片处理成透明的flash文件,需利用photoshop及flash等软件进行烦琐的图像人工处理。而智宇眼镜试戴系统借助智宇自有的全球独创的拍照装置及理论,只需拍摄眼镜图片,不必进行人工处理,就能实现逼真的效果。 5) .其它眼镜试戴系统的透明度通过人工调节得到,无法100%真实还原眼镜实际透明度,也不能对细节及边缘进行处理。智宇眼镜试戴系统独创图像处理理论,自动100%还原眼镜实际透明度,且无需人工干预,对细节及边缘处理尤为出色。 6) 由于智宇眼镜模拟试戴系统采用独创的理论,使得眼镜镜片部分能实现颜色渐变,给人以立体感,与真实情况完全符合,而其它眼镜模拟试戴系统的镜片部分颜色单一,根本没有立体感,严重偏离真实。 7) .智宇眼镜模拟试戴系统采用数字图像处理技术,使镜片上色、隐形眼镜试戴、眼镜图片款式搜索功能完全可以实现。这也是智宇眼镜模拟试戴系统即将增加的全球独有的一些功能。