xvi Preface
in this chapter. Subsection 5.2.4 gives a simple derivation of the convolution of
exponential random variables.
Chapter 6 considers Markov chains in continuous time with an emphasis on
birth and death models. Time reversibility is shown to be a useful concept, as it
is in the study of discrete-time Markov chains. Section 6.7 presents the computa-
tionally important technique of uniformization.
Chapter 7, the renewal theory chapter, is concerned with a type of count-
ing process more general than the Poisson. By making use of renewal reward
processes, limiting results are obtained and applied to various fields. Section 7.9
presents new results concerning the distribution of time until a certain pattern oc-
curs when a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables
is observed. In Subsection 7.9.1, we show how renewal theory can be used to de-
rive both the mean and the variance of the length of time until a specified pattern
appears, as well as the mean time until one of a finite number of specified patterns
appears. In Subsection 7.9.2, we suppose that the random variables are equally
likely to take on any of m possible values, and compute an expression for the
mean time until a run of m distinct values occurs. In Subsection 7.9.3, we sup-
pose the random variables are continuous and derive an expression for the mean
time until a run of m consecutive increasing values occurs.
Chapter 8 deals with queueing, or waiting line, theory. After some preliminar-
ies dealing with basic cost identities and types of limiting probabilities, we con-
sider exponential queueing models and show how such models can be analyzed.
Included in the models we study is the important class known as a network of
queues. We then study models in which some of the distributions are allowed to
be arbitrary. Included are Subsection 8.6.3 dealing with an optimization problem
concerning a single server, general service time queue, and Section 8.8, concerned
with a single server, general service time queue in which the arrival source is a
finite number of potential users.
Chapter 9 is concerned with reliability theory. This chapter will probably be
of greatest interest to the engineer and operations researcher. Subsection 9.6.1
illustrates a method for determining an upper bound for the expected life of a
parallel system of not necessarily independent components and (9.7.1) analyzing
a series structure reliability model in which components enter a state of suspended
animation when one of their cohorts fails.
Chapter 10 is concerned with Brownian motion and its applications. The theory
of options pricing is discussed. Also, the arbitrage theorem is presented and its
relationship to the duality theorem of linear program is indicated. We show how
the arbitrage theorem leads to the Black–Scholes option pricing formula.
Chapter 11 deals with simulation, a powerful tool for analyzing stochastic mod-
els that are analytically intractable. Methods for generating the values of arbitrar-
ily distributed random variables are discussed, as are variance reduction methods
for increasing the efficiency of the simulation. Subsection 11.6.4 introduces the