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资源摘要信息:"《使用Go进行分布式计算》是由Packt出版的一本专业书籍,旨在指导开发人员如何使用Go语言进行分布式系统的开发和优化。Go语言因其简洁、高效和适合并发处理的特点,成为了开发分布式系统和云应用程序的热门选择。本书通过一系列实践案例和项目文件,从基础环境搭建到高级分布式系统设计,详细介绍了使用Go语言进行分布式计算的关键知识点和最佳实践。 首先,本书强调建立一个专业的Go开发环境的重要性。对于想要深入学习Go语言并发和并行开发的读者来说,书中提供了基本概念和实践方法,帮助读者掌握Go语言在并发Web和云应用程序中的应用。在本书的后续章节中,读者将学习到如何在设计Web服务时考虑到并发性,以及如何使用REST和标准Web方法平衡资源和数据。 随着云技术的发展,越来越多的Go应用程序被部署在数据中心或云平台上。为了适应这一趋势,本书专门用一章内容介绍了分布式计算的运行环境,并探讨了如何在这样的环境中进行高效开发。 本书的重点内容之一是设计和实现一个分布式文档索引系统。这个系统不仅需要处理大量文档的存储和索引,还要满足大规模分析的需求。通过这一项目的实践,读者将学会如何构建可扩展和高效的分布式系统,并掌握在分布式环境中进行数据处理和资源管理的技巧。 此外,书中还提供了一个用例,即如何重新设计现有用Go编写的Web应用程序,使其具备分布式功能。这对于那些需要将现有应用迁移到计算和内存密集型环境的Go开发人员来说是一个宝贵的指南。通过这种方式,开发人员可以学习如何优化现有代码库,以及如何在新的分布式架构中保持应用的性能和可伸缩性。 本书的配套资源文件包含在Distributed-Computing-with-Go-master压缩包中,这些文件支持读者从头到尾完成书籍中的所有项目实践。资源文件的完整性和实用性是本书的另一个亮点,它使得学习过程更加连贯和高效。 总之,《使用Go进行分布式计算》是一本集理论与实践于一体的教材,它不仅向读者展示了Go语言的强大并发处理能力,还提供了在实际项目中应用这些能力的详细指导。无论是新手还是经验丰富的Go开发人员,都能从中获得宝贵的分布式计算知识和技能。"
2017-09-06 上传
Module 1, Learning Go Web Development, starts off with introducing and setting up Go before you move on to produce responsive servers that react to certain web endpoint. You will then implement database connections to acquire data and then present it to our users using different template packages. Later on, you will learn about sessions and cookies to retain information before delving with the basics of microservices. By the end of this module, we will be covering the testing, debugging, and the security aspect. Module 2, Go Programming Blueprints, has a project-based approach where you will be building chat application, adding authentication, and adding your own profile pictures in different ways. You will learn how Go makes it easy to build powerful command-line tools to find domain names before building a highly scalable Twitter polling and vote counting engine powered by NSQ and MongoDB. Later on it covers the functionalities of RESTful Data Web Service API and Google Places API before you move on to build a simple but powerful filesystem backup tool for our code projects. Module 3, Mastering Concurrency in Go, introduces you to Concurrency in Go where you will be understanding the Concurrency model and developing a strategy for designing applications. You will learn to create basic and complex communication channels between our goroutines to manage data not only across single or multithreaded systems but also distributed systems. Later on you will be tackling a real-world problem, that is, being able to develop a high performance web server that can handle a very large volume of live, active traffic. You will then learn how to scale your application and make it capable of being expanded in scope, design, and/ or capacity. It will then focus on when and where to implement concurrent patterns, utilize parallelism, and ensure data consistency. At the end of this module, we will be logging and testing concurrency before we finally look at the best practices on how to implement complicated and advanced techniques offered by Go.
2018-03-29 上传
Chapter 1, Developer Environment for Go, covers a list of topics and concepts required to start working with Go and rest of the book. Some of these topics include Docker and testing in Go. Chapter 2, Understanding Goroutines, introduces the topic of concurrency and parallelism and then dives deep into the implementation details of goroutines, Go's runtime scheduler, and many more. Chapter 3, Channels and Messages, begins by explaining the complexity of controlling parallelism before introducing strategies to control parallelism, using different types of channels. Chapter 4, The RESTful Web, provides all the context and knowledge required to start designing and building REST APIs in Go. We will also discuss the interaction with a REST API server using different available approaches. Chapter 5, Introducing Goophr, opens the discussion on what is meant by a distributed search engine, using OpenAPI specification to describe REST APIs and describing the responsibilities of the components of a search engine, using OpenAPI. Finally, we'll describe the project structure. Chapter 6, Goophr Concierge, dives deep into the first component of Goophr by describing in detail how the component is supposed to work. These concepts are further driven home with the help of architectural and logical flow diagrams. Finally, we'll look at how to implement and test the component. Chapter 7, Goophr Librarian, is a detailed look at the component that is responsible for maintaining the index for the search terms. We also look at how to search for given terms and how to order our search results and many more. Finally, we'll look at how to implement and test the component. Chapter 8, Deploying Goophr, brings together everything we have implemented in the previous three chapters and start the application on the local system. We will then test our design by adding a few documents and searching against them via the REST API. Chapter 9, Foundations of Web Scale Architecture, is an introduct