
0 下载量 100 浏览量 更新于2024-02-25 收藏 270KB DOC 举报
The document "Operating System Course Design - Dynamic Variable Length Storage Allocation and Recovery Algorithm.doc" contains the code required for students to write and supplement, including some code from the course design guide that needs to be modified, and excludes the code that does not need to be modified. The file includes the following functionalities: 1. Displaying the list of free areas The code includes a function called display_freearea_list() which is used to display the list of free areas in the memory. This function iterates through the free areas and prints out the start address and size of each free area in a tabular format. The start address is presented in kilobytes and the size is also in kilobytes. The code snippet displays the start address and size of each free area in a structured table format. It uses formatting to ensure the alignment of the data is neat and organized. The start address and size are printed in separate columns to make the information easily readable for the user. The itoa() function is used to convert the integer values of start address and size into strings, and the print_space() function is used to ensure proper spacing and alignment of the data within the table. The code also includes comments to explain the purpose of each section and guide the students in understanding and modifying the code if necessary. Overall, the code in the document provides a clear and functional implementation of displaying the list of free areas in the memory, and serves as a helpful resource for students working on their course design project in the field of operating systems.