
需积分: 0 0 下载量 66 浏览量 更新于2024-03-12 收藏 2.01MB DOC 举报
Abstract: This paper explores the detailed process of implementing an information encryption and decryption system platform using Python technology and MySql database. The encryption and decryption system mentioned here is establishing a system that encodes and decodes user input characters, including services for character encoding based on several encryption and decryption algorithms. From the perspective of individual users, having this convenient tool can effectively protect personal information. From the perspective of company users, it can enhance the security of company trade secrets, allowing all efforts to be focused on other tasks without worrying about data loss or other troubles caused by information leakage. In the past, even if others obtained personal information, it was believed that it would not have any impact on oneself. However, in today's society, information security is crucial. Some unscrupulous individuals may obtain your name, phone number, address, and workplace from the personal information you left elsewhere, and use this information for telecommunications fraud. The Python information encryption and decryption system provides various functions, allowing users to select encryption or confidential methods suitable for themselves on the system. After encryption, users can decode the information, thus maximizing the protection of their information. Compared with traditional password compilation tools, the encryption and decryption website system based on Python can provide services that are more tailored to user needs, significantly enhancing the user experience. Keywords: information encryption, website, Python
2023-06-11 上传