To answer a query q that requires a set R of blocks, P
decides in an online manner whether to use the current ver-
sions of data blocks in D, or to acquire the most recent
versions of blocks in R from S (and update D) by paying a
cost c
(R), which is called the data cost. If P decides not to
pay the data cost, and the version in D is outdated, there is
a query result penalty cost c
(R, q) for its inaccuracy. Let a
policy be an oracle that tells what next action for P to take,
given P’s current action and the distribution of states P is
believed to be in.
Definition 1. (Sequential Data Acquisition Problem)
An infinite sequence of queries are revealed to a query pro-
cessor P in an online manner. Upon receiving each query q,
P decides, also in an online fashion, whether or not to ac-
quire the data blocks R required by q from the data source
S. The sequential data acquisition problem for P is to find
an optimal policy π
so as to minimize the long term costs,
which include both data costs and query result penalty costs,
for answering the sequence of queries.
The notion of “long term costs” will be made more precise
in Section 2.2 below (i.e., expected discounted sum of costs).
Analogous to DBMS blocks/pages, in this work, we assume
simple equal-size partitioning of blocks. For instance, in Ex-
ample 1, the sequence of data from each road can be treated
as a block; data tuples from each sensor in a sensor network
are a block. More sophisticated block partitioning is beyond
the scope of this paper. In addition, in these applications,
typically there are one or a few highly dynamic attributes
(which are to be kept track of), while other attributes (e.g.,
locations) are relatively stable/static. An example is the
multidimensional array model which is the most common
data model in scientific databases, where the dimension at-
tributes are usually static and in the clear. Most, if not all,
queries have predicates over ranges of the dimensions. The
block partitions should be based on stable/static attributes.
R can be easily determined if there is a predicate over
block-partitioning attributes. In the (arguably rare) event
that either (E1) there are predicates on static attributes,
but none of these attributes is aligned with block partitions,
or (E2) there are no predicates on static attributes, then we
use a simple two-step process. In the first step, we execute
the query using the existing data (without acquisition), and
get a version of qualified/required set of blocks R. In the
second step, we use R to determine the action of whether to
acquire the data in R (and re-run the query) or to just stop
there (returning the result from the first step). Note that in
the event of E2 above, R may be approximate (a precise R
would include all blocks of the table, as there is no predicate
on stable attributes).
2.2 Preliminaries
POMDP. Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) provide a
mathematical framework for modeling decision making in
situations where outcomes are partly random and partly
under the control of a decision maker [22]. MDPs are an
extension of Markov chains; the difference is the addition of
actions (allowing choice) and rewards (giving motivation).
Figure 2 shows an example of a simple MDP with three
states s
, s
, s
and two actions a
, a
. A yellow squiggle
arrow shows the reward associated with the corresponding
transition black edge. Formally, an MDP is defined as a
tuple (S, A, T, R), where S is a set of states, A is a set of
actions, T is the transition function T (s, a, s
) = P r[s
Figure 2: A simple MDP with 3 states and 2 actions.
| s
= s, a
= a] (where s
and a
denote the state and
action at time t, resp.), and R(s, a) is the reward for execut-
ing action a in state s. The core problem of MDPs is to find
a policy for the decision maker: a function π that specifies
the action π(s) that the decision maker will choose when in
state s. The goal is to choose a policy π that will maximize
some cumulative function of the random rewards, typically
the expected discounted sum over a potentially infinite hori-
, π(s
)), where γ is called a discount factor
and satisfies 0 ≤ γ < 1. The larger the discount factor
(closer to 1), the more effect future rewards have on current
decision making. This is equivalent to minimizing expected
discounted sum of costs as in Definition 1.
In MDP, we assume that the decision maker knows the
environment state exactly; in other words, the environment
state must be fully observable. However, this assumption of-
ten does not hold in reality. A Partially Observable Markov
Decision Process (POMDP) is for this problem. In addition
to S, A, T , R, a POMDP has two extra elements: a set
of observations Ω and an observation function O(a, s
, o) =
P r[o
= o | a
= a, s
= s
]. There are a number of tools
for solving a POMDP model. We need to first define and
learn the S, A, T , R, Ω, and O elements, and provide them
to a POMDP solver, which in turn computes the optimal
policy. At runtime, when each query comes in, we interact
with a program and feed our observation to it. Accordingly,
the program consults the computed policy and notifies us
the next action. This step at runtime is instantaneous as
the policy is pre-computed only once. We refer the reader
to [22, 16] for the details of POMDP.
Locality-sensitive hashing. Locality-sensitive hashing
(LSH) is a method of performing probabilistic dimension re-
duction of high-dimensional data [19]. The idea is to hash
the input items so that similar items are mapped to the
same buckets with high probability. A key element is defin-
ing “similarity”. One metric we use is set similarity. In par-
ticular, the Jaccard similarity coefficient between two sets
A and B is defined as J(A, B) =
, which is a value
in [0,1] and measures the similarity of two sets (e.g., when
A = B, J(A, B) = 1). The Jaccard distance is 1 − J(A, B).
MinHash is a LSH mechanism based on this metric [10]. Our
goal is to hash a set of elements E. A simple version of Min-
Hash is to start with k independent conventional (random)
hash functions h
, ..., h
. Then the MinHash value for the
whole set E is the concatenation of k minimum hash values:
(e), ..., min
Q-learning. As surveyed by Kaelbling et al. [15], there
are mainly three types of model-free approaches in the liter-
ature: (1) Adaptive Heuristic Critic (AHC), (2) Q-learning,
and (3) Model-free learning with average reward. AHC ar-
chitectures are more difficult to work with than Q-learning
on a practical level [15]. It can be hard to get the relative