High-energy plain and composite pulses in a laser
modeled by the complex Swift – Hohenberg equation
S. C. V. Latas
I3N—Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication, Department of Physics, University of Aveiro,
3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal (sofia.latas@ua.pt)
Received October 29, 2015; revised January 8, 2016; accepted January 10, 2016;
posted January 15, 2016 (Doc. ID 252953); published March 8, 2016
In this work, new plain and composite high-energy solitons of the cubic–quintic Swift–Hohenberg equation were
numerically found. Starting from a composite pulse found by Soto-Crespo and Akhmediev and changing some
parameter values allowed us to find these high energy pulses. We also found the region in the parameter space in
which these solutions exist. Some pulse characteristics, namely, temporal and spectral profiles and chirp, are
presented. The study of the pulse energy shows its independence of the dispersion parameter but its dependence
on the nonlinear gain. An extreme amplitude pulse has also been found. © 2016 Chinese Laser Press
OCIS codes: (060.5530) Pulse propagation and temporal solitons; (140.3510) Lasers, fiber; (140.7090)
Ultrafast lasers.
Laser systems with passive mode locking can be described by
the cubic–quintic complex Ginzburg–Landau (CGLE) and
Swift–Hohenberg (CSHE) equations [1]. Both equations have
a wide diversity of analytical and numerical solutions, as can
be seen for example in [1–6], and references therein. Among
other characteristics, both models have in common two par-
ticular numerical solutions: the plain and the composite
solitons [6–9].
Recently, ultrashort high-energy pulses and extreme ampli-
tude spikes, solutions of the CGLE, have been found [10,11].
Such diversity and complexity of solutions is due, in part,
to the fact that the CGLE has several free parameters. A small
change of one of these parameters can have a huge impact on
the nature of the solution [11].
Some technological applications of high-energy pulses
are, for example, dissipative soliton fiber lasers in the
normal dispersion regime or with parameter management
One of the restrictions of the CGLE model concerns
spectral filtering, which is limited to a second-order term,
characterized by a single maximum spectral response. In gen-
eral, in experiments the gain spectrum is large and might
have several maxima. For more realistic modeling it is nec-
essary to add higher-order spectral filtering terms. The
addition of a fourth-order spectral filtering term into the
cubic–quintic CGLE transforms it into the CSHE [1,6].
The role of this higher-order term in spectral filtering has
been studied in [6]. In particular, narrow composite pulse
(NCP) and wider composite pulse (WCP) were numeri-
cally found.
In this work new plain and composite high-energy
solitons of the CSHE, and their region of existence in the plane
(ε, D), have been numerically found. Some pulse characteris-
tics are presented. Additionally, a plain pulse with extreme
amplitude peak was also found.
The CSHE can be written in the following form [1,6]:
u νjuj
u iδu iβu
u iγu
; (1)
where Z is the propagation distance or the cavity round-trip
number, T is the retarded time in a frame of reference moving
with the group velocity, and u is the normalized complex
envelope of the optical field. On the left-hand side, D repre-
sents the cavity dispersion, with D>0 in the anomalous re-
gime and D<0 in the normal regime, and ν corresponds, if
negative, to the saturation of the nonlinear refractive index.
On the right-hand side, δ represents the difference between
linear gain and loss; β and γ account for spectral filtering
and higher order spectral filtering, respectively. The terms
with ε and μμ < 0, represent the nonlinear gain and the
saturation of the nonlinear gain, respectively.
The CSHE given by Eq. (1) has been numerically solved,
with a split-step Fourier symmetric method, with a time step
ΔT 0.03125 and a distance step ΔZ 0.0003, described for
example in [15]. Absorbing boundary conditions were used, as
presented in [16]. In order to guarantee the convergence to a
single pulse, an initial condition of the form 2 sech2T has
been considered. For initial conditions with a larger width
multiple pulses can be formed.
At this stage we refer that the starting point for this work was
the composite pulse (CP), discovered in [6] for the following
set of parameter values: β −0.3, δ −0.5, ε 1.6, μ −0.1,
ν 0, and γ 0.05. We might ask, what is the impact of a
small change of the saturation of the nonlinear gain, μ,on
the nature of the solution? The pulse amplitude is gradu-
ally reduced as μ becomes slightly more negative. On the other
hand, as μ → 0 the pulse amplitude grows. If μ 0, blow-up
S. C. V. Latas Vol. 4, No. 2 / April 2016 / Photon. Res. 49
2327-9125/16/020049-04 © 2016 Chinese Laser Press