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"Objective-C编程:Objective-C第四版,是一本针对iOS开发者的经典教程,适合学习Objective-C的同学阅读。" 《Programming in Objective-C》第四版是Objective-C编程领域的一本权威指南,尤其对于想要深入理解iOS开发的程序员来说,这是一本不可或缺的参考书。Objective-C,作为苹果平台的主要编程语言,是iOS应用开发的基础。这本书详细介绍了Objective-C的语法、概念和实践技巧,旨在帮助读者掌握这个强大的面向对象语言。 本书涵盖的内容包括: 1. **Objective-C基础**:讲解了Objective-C的基本语法,如类、对象、消息传递以及动态类型等。这是理解Objective-C核心机制的关键。 2. **面向对象编程**:深入探讨了类、继承、多态性和封装等面向对象编程的基石,帮助读者构建强大的软件架构。 3. **Foundation框架**:Objective-C开发离不开Foundation框架,书中详细解释了框架中的主要类和它们在实际开发中的用途,如NSArray、NSDictionary、NSString等。 4. **内存管理**:介绍Objective-C的内存管理机制,包括引用计数(ARC)和内存泄漏的预防,这对于优化应用性能至关重要。 5. **Blocks和GCD**:Objective-C引入了Blocks(代码块)和Grand Central Dispatch(GCD),这些现代并发工具简化了多线程编程,书中会讲解如何利用它们提高程序效率。 6. **Objective-C与Cocoa Touch**:Cocoa Touch是iOS开发的核心框架,书中将展示如何使用Objective-C来构建用户界面,实现触摸事件处理,以及与其他Apple框架的集成。 7. **实例项目**:通过实际项目演练,让读者有机会将所学知识应用于实践中,提升解决问题的能力。 8. **编程实践**:提供了丰富的编程练习和挑战,帮助巩固理论知识,提高编程技能。 9. **最新技术更新**:第四版可能包含了Apple最新的开发工具Xcode和Swift的相关信息,帮助读者与时俱进。 10. **学习路径**:书中的内容安排循序渐进,适合初学者逐步学习,同时对有经验的开发者也有一定的启发。 《Programming in Objective-C》第四版是iOS开发者全面学习Objective-C的理想教材,无论你是新手还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益匪浅。通过这本书,你可以获得扎实的Objective-C基础,为构建高质量的iOS应用打下坚实的基础。
2013-12-25 上传
Book Description Updated for OS X 10.9 Mavericks, iOS 7, and Xcode 5 Programming in Objective-C is a concise, carefully written tutorial on the basics of Objective-C and object-oriented programming for Apple’s iOS and OS X platforms. The book makes no assumptions about prior experience with object-oriented programming languages or with the C language (which Objective-C is based upon). Because of this, both beginners and experienced programmers alike can use this book to quickly and effectively learn the fundamentals of Objective-C. Readers can also learn the concepts of object-oriented programming without having to first learn all of the intricacies of the underlying C programming language. This unique approach to learning, combined with many small program examples and exercises at the end of each chapter, makes Programming in Objective-C ideally suited for either classroom use or self-study. This edition has been fully updated to incorporate new Objective-C features and technologies introduced with Xcode 5, iOS 7, and Mac OS X Mavericks. “The best book on any programming language that I’ve ever read. If you want to learn Objective-C, buy it.”–Calvin Wolcott “An excellent resource for a new programmer who wants to learn Objective-C as their first programming language–a woefully underserved market.”–Pat Hughes Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction Part I: The Objective-C Language Chapter 2. Programming in Objective-C Chapter 3. Classes, Objects, and Methods Chapter 4. Data Types and Expressions Chapter 5. Program Looping Chapter 6. Making Decisions Chapter 7. More on Classes Chapter 8. Inheritance Chapter 9. Polymorphism, Dynamic Typing, and Dynamic Binding Chapter 10. More on Variables and Data Types Chapter 11. Categories and Protocols Chapter 12. The Preprocessor Chapter 13. Underlying C Language Features Part II: The Foundation Framework Chapter 14. Introduction to the Foundation Framework Chapter 15. Numbers, Strings, and Collections Chapter 16. Working with Files Chapter 17. Memory Management and Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) Chapter 18. Copying Objects Chapter 19. Archiving Part III: Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, and the iOS SDK Chapter 20. Introduction to Cocoa and Cocoa Touch Chapter 21. Writing iOS Applications Appendixes Appendix A. Glossary Appendix B. Address Book Program Source Code Book Details Paperback: 576 pages Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 6th Edition (December 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 0321967607 ISBN-13: 978-0321967602