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"BlazeDS开发者指南中文版是关于BlazeDS原理与应用的书籍,包含实例,适合学习。" BlazeDS是Adobe公司推出的一个开源项目,它为富互联网应用程序(RIA)提供了数据推送技术,使得Web应用程序可以实现低延迟、双向通信。BlazeDS主要是为Flex和Adobe AIR应用程序提供与后端服务器交互的能力,允许这些富客户端应用程序实时获取服务器数据,并支持多用户间的实时通信。 BlazeDS的核心功能包括以下几点: 1. **服务适配器**:BlazeDS提供了多种服务适配器,能够连接到各种后端数据源,如Java持久层API(JPA)、Java数据对象(JDO)以及Hibernate等,使Flex和AIR应用程序能够轻松地访问企业级的数据存储。 2. **消息基础框架**:BlazeDS实现了基于AMF(Action Message Format)的消息传输机制,这是一种高效、二进制的序列化格式,用于在客户端和服务器之间交换数据。此外,它还支持实时的、基于发布/订阅的消息传递,即Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP)。 3. **RPC服务**:BlazeDS通过Remote Procedure Call (RPC)服务,使得Flex或AIR客户端可以直接调用服务器上的Java方法,实现数据的远程操作。 4. **数据流服务**:通过DataServices,BlazeDS可以提供数据流服务,让客户端能够实时监控和响应服务器数据的变化。 在《BlazeDS开发者指南》中,第一章介绍了BlazeDS的基本概念,包括其主要功能、客户端程序和服务端的结构,以及BlazeDS的特点。第二章则详细阐述了如何构建和部署BlazeDS应用程序,包括配置开发环境、定义项目结构、创建Web应用程序、建立客户端和服务器端的代码,以及如何运行和调试这些示例程序。 为了构建BlazeDS应用程序,开发者需要了解如何使用FlexBuilder或mxmlc进行客户端开发,以及如何编写Java类来创建服务端接口。在开发过程中,调试工具如FlashDebugPlayer和日志程序对于优化程序性能和解决错误至关重要。最后,发布应用程序的步骤也得到了详尽的说明。 BlazeDS的使用极大地扩展了RIA的交互性和实时性,使得基于Flex或AIR的客户端应用程序能够像桌面应用一样与服务器进行高效通信,实现复杂的企业级功能。通过学习《BlazeDS开发者指南中文版》,开发者能够更好地理解和应用BlazeDS技术,从而提升富互联网应用程序的用户体验。
2008-11-16 上传
这是一本217页的英文书籍,是BlazeDS开发的全面资料 以下是目录: Contents Part 1: Getting started with BlazeDS Chapter 1: Introduction to BlazeDS BlazeDS overview 2 BlazeDS features 3 Example BlazeDS applications 5 Chapter 2: Building and deploying BlazeDS applications Setting up your development environment 10 Running the BlazeDS sample applications 14 Building your client-side application 15 Building your server-side application 20 Debugging your application 22 Deploying your application 25 Part 2: BlazeDS architecture Chapter 3: BlazeDS architecture BlazeDS client architecture 27 BlazeDS server architecture 29 About configuration files 31 Chapter 4: Channels and endpoints About channels and endpoints 38 Configuring channels with servlet-based endpoints 43 Channel and endpoint recommendations 49 Using BlazeDS clients and servers behind a firewall 50 Chapter 5: Managing session data FlexClient, MessageClient, and FlexSession objects 51 Using the FlexContext class with FlexSession and FlexClient attributes 53 Session life cycle 54 Chapter 6: Data serialization Serializing between ActionScript and Java 56 Serializing between ActionScript and web services 64 Part 3: RPC services Chapter 7: Using HTTP and web services RPC components 73 RPC components versus other technologies 77 Using destinations 78 Defining and invoking a service component 83 Handling service events 86 Passing parameters to a service 90 Handling service results 94 Using capabilities specific to WebService components 103 Handling asynchronous calls to services 107 Chapter 8: Using the Remoting Service RemoteObject component 110 Configuring a destination 114 Calling a service 115 Handling events 117 Passing parameters 117 Handling results 119 Accessing EJBs and other objects in JNDI 120 Part 4: Messaging Service Chapter 9: Using the Messaging Service Using the Messaging Service 122 Working with Producer components 125 Working with Consumer components 128 Using a pair of Producer and Consumer components in an application 131 Message filtering 132 Configuring the Messaging Service 136 Chapter 10: Connecting to the Java Message Service (JMS) About JMS 141 Configuring the Messaging Service to connect to a JMSAdapter 143 Part 6: Administering BlazeDS applications Chapter 11: Logging Client-side logging 149 Server-side logging 150 Monitoring and managing services 153 Chapter 12: Security Securing BlazeDS 156 Configuring security 158 Basic authentication 162 Custom authentication 162 Passing credentials to a proxy service 166 Chapter 13: Clustering Server clustering 167 Handling channel failover 167 Cluster-wide message and data routing 169 Configuring clustering 170 Part 7: Additional programming topics Chapter 14: Run-time configuration About run-time configuration 174 Configuring components with a bootstrap service 175 Configuring components with a remote object 175 Accessing dynamic components with a Flex client application 177 Chapter 15: The Ajax client library About the Ajax client library 179 Using the Ajax client library 179 Ajax client library API reference 183 Chapter 16: Extending applications with factories The factory mechanism 188 Chapter 17: Message delivery with adaptive polling Adaptive polling 193 Using a custom queue processor 194 Chapter 18: Measuring message processing performance About measuring message processing performance 199 Measuring message processing performance 204