C# 7与.NET Core深度探索:Pro C# 7 with .NET Core 第8版指南

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《Pro C# 7 with .NET Core》第八版是一本专为IT专业人士设计的权威指南,由Andrew Troelsen和Philip Japikse合著。本书的核心内容聚焦于C# 7.0语言的新特性和.NET Core框架的最新进展,深入讲解了C# 7.0的革新特性以及如何利用这些特性在.NET Core环境中进行高效、现代的软件开发。 C# 7.0是Microsoft推出的一个重要版本,它对C#语言进行了诸多改进,旨在提升代码的可读性、性能和生产力。书中可能会涉及以下关键知识点: 1. **新特性**:C# 7.0引入了如异步流(Async Streams)、可空引用类型(Nullable Reference Types)、范围变量(Range Variables)、字符串插值(String Interpolation)和异步主函数(Async Main)等特性,这些都是为了简化开发者的工作流程和提高代码质量。 2. **.NET Core升级**:随着.NET Core的发布,本书可能涵盖了跨平台支持、模块化架构、性能优化、依赖注入(Dependency Injection)和微服务(Microservices)等方面的内容,以适应.NET Core的轻量级和灵活架构。 3. **代码示例与实践**:书中会包含大量的实际代码示例,帮助读者理解和应用新特性的用法,同时展示如何在.NET Core平台上实现高效的代码组织和错误处理。 4. **调试与测试**:对于.NET Core的调试工具和单元测试框架,作者可能会介绍如何有效地诊断和修复问题,以及编写高质量测试用例的方法。 5. **性能优化**:针对.NET Core的性能优化策略,包括内存管理、并发编程最佳实践以及如何利用新的语言特性进行更有效的资源使用。 6. **最新库和框架**:随着.NET Core生态系统的不断扩展,书中可能还会涵盖当时可用的一些主流库和框架,如ASP.NET Core、Entity Framework Core等。 7. **实战项目指导**:通过实际项目案例,读者可以学习如何将理论知识转化为实际的开发经验,掌握在生产环境中使用C# 7.0和.NET Core的最佳实践。 《Pro C# 7 with .NET Core》适合已有一定C#基础的开发人员阅读,无论是初学者还是资深开发者,都能从中获取关于最新技术和框架的深度洞察,提升自身的编程技能和项目开发能力。此外,由于版权和法律限制,本书强调了所有内容的版权归属,并提醒读者尊重知识产权,遵循相关许可协议。
2017-11-22 上传
This essential classic title provides a comprehensive foundation in the C# programming language and the frameworks it lives in. Now in its 8th edition, you’ll find all the very latest C# 7.1 and .NET 4.7 features here, along with four brand new chapters on Microsoft’s lightweight, cross-platform framework, .NET Core, up to and including .NET Core 2.0. Coverage of ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework (EF) Core, and more, sits alongside the latest updates to .NET, including Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and ASP.NET MVC. Dive in and discover why Pro C# has been a favorite of C# developers worldwide for over 15 years. Gain a solid foundation in object-oriented development techniques, attributes and reflection, generics and collections as well as numerous advanced topics not found in other texts (such as CIL opcodes and emitting dynamic assemblies). With the help of this book you’ll have the confidence to put C# into practice and explore the .NET universe on your own terms. What You Will Learn Discover the latest C# 7.1 features, from tuples to pattern matching Hit the ground running with Microsoft’s lightweight, open source .NET Core platform, including ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Core web services, and Entity Framework Core Find complete coverage of XAML, .NET 4.7 and Visual Studio 2017 Understand the philosophy behind .NET and the new, cross-platform alternative, .NET Core Table of Contents Part I: Introducing C# and the .NET Platform Chapter 1: The Philosophy of .NET Chapter 2: Building C# Applications Part II: Core C# Programing Chapter 3: Core C# Programming Constructs, Part I Chapter 4: Core C# Programming Constructs, Part II Part III: Object-Oriented Programming with C# Chapter 5: Understanding Encapsulation Chapter 6: Understanding Inheritance and Polymorphism Chapter 7: Understanding Structured Exception Handling Chapter 8: Working with Interfaces Part IV: Advanced C# Programming Chapter 9: Collections and Generics