Mask-Guided Portrait Editing with Conditional GANs
Shuyang Gu
Jianmin Bao
Hao Yang
Dong Chen
Fang Wen
Lu Yuan
University of Science and Technology of China
Microsoft Research
{gsy777,jmbao} {haya,doch,fangwen,luyuan}
(a) Mask2image
(b) Component editing
(c) Component transfer
Figure 1: We propose a framework based on conditional GANs for mask-guided portrait editing. (a) Our framework can generate diverse
and realistic faces using one input target mask (lower left corner in the first image). (b) Our framework allows us to edit the mask to change
the shape of face components, i.e. mouth, eyes, hair. (c) Our framework also allows us to transfer the appearance of each component for a
portrait, including hair color.
Portrait editing is a popular subject in photo manipula-
tion. The Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) advances
the generating of realistic faces and allows more face edit-
ing. In this paper, we argue about three issues in existing
techniques: diversity, quality, and controllability for por-
trait synthesis and editing. To address these issues, we pro-
pose a novel end-to-end learning framework that leverages
conditional GANs guided by provided face masks for gener-
ating faces. The framework learns feature embeddings for
every face component (e.g., mouth, hair, eye), separately,
contributing to better correspondences for image transla-
tion, and local face editing. With the mask, our network is
available to many applications, like face synthesis driven
by mask, face Swap+ (including hair in swapping), and lo-
cal manipulation. It can also boost the performance of face
parsing a bit as an option of data augmentation.
1. Introduction
Portrait editing is of great interest in the vision and
graphics community due to its potential applications in
movies, gaming, photo manipulation and sharing, etc. Peo-
ple enjoy the magic that makes faces look more interesting,
funny, and beautiful, which appear in an amount of popular
apps, such as Snapchat, Facetune, etc.
Recently, advances in Generative Adversarial Networks
(GANs) [16] have made tremendous progress in synthesiz-
ing realistic faces [1, 29, 25, 12], like face aging [46], pose
changing [44, 21] and attribute modifying [4]. However,
these existing approaches still suffer from some quality is-
sues, like lack of fine details in skin, difficulty in dealing
with hair and background blurring. Such artifacts cause
generated faces to look unrealistic.
To address these issues, one possible solution is to use
the facial mask to guide generation. On one hand, a face
mask provides a good geometric constraint, which helps
synthesize realistic faces. On the other hand, an accurate
contour for each facial component (e.g., eye, mouth, hair,
etc.) is necessary for local editing. Based on the face mask,
some works [40, 14] achieve very promising results in por-
trait stylization. However, these methods focus on transfer-
ring the visual style (e.g., B&W, color, painting) from the
reference face to the target face. It seems to be unavailable
for synthesizing different faces, or changing face compo-
Some kinds of GAN models begin to integrate the face
mask/skeleton for better image-to-image translation, for
arXiv:1905.10346v1 [cs.CV] 24 May 2019