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"Apress.Learn Unity for 2D Game Development.2013" 本书是一本关于使用Unity引擎开发2D游戏的实践指南。它强调了实践性学习,书中大部分章节都基于实际项目,鼓励读者动手操作,跟随作者逐步进行。虽然注重实践,但书中的理论探讨和深入概念讲解并未缺失,旨在帮助读者在理解理论的同时掌握实际应用。通过这种方式,读者不仅能理解游戏开发背后的原理,还能将这些理解应用于自己的项目中。 书中的内容涵盖了从基础到高级的各种主题,包括Unity基础知识、材质与纹理、2D工作流程、自定义编辑器、程序几何与纹理四边形、纹理集生成、UV和动画、像素完美的相机、2D游戏的输入处理、开始2D游戏的制作、完成2D卡牌游戏的实例以及优化技巧。此外,还有一章专门用于总结和回顾所学内容。 例如,在“Unity Basics for 2D Games”章节中,读者将学习如何在Unity环境中设置2D项目,创建和管理2D对象,以及基本的场景布局。在“Materials and Textures”章节,将探讨如何应用和调整材质以实现不同的视觉效果。在“Procedural Geometry and Textured Quads”章节,读者将学习如何使用代码生成几何形状并应用纹理,这在创建动态或自定义的游戏元素时非常有用。 “Cameras and Pixel Perfection”章节专注于2D游戏的视觉精度,讲解如何设置相机以确保游戏画面在各种分辨率下都能保持一致的像素完美表现。在“Input for 2D Games”章节,会讨论如何处理玩家输入,包括键盘、鼠标和触摸屏等不同设备的交互方式。 最后,“Optimization”章节将指导读者如何优化游戏性能,减少内存占用,提高帧率,这对于确保游戏在各种硬件平台上流畅运行至关重要。 这本书是针对想要学习或提升2D游戏开发技能的Unity初学者和进阶者的宝贵资源,通过一系列实际项目,读者可以逐步掌握2D游戏开发的核心技术。
2018-04-28 上传
Unity 2017 2D Game Development Projects: Create three interactive and engaging 2D games with Unity 2017 Build classic arcade, shooter and platform games with Unity 2D toolset 2D games are everywhere! Timeless and popular, 2D games represent a substantial segment of the games market. The Unity engine has revolutionized the gaming industry, by making it easier for game developers to create quality games on a budget. If you are looking for a guide to create 2D games using Unity 2017, look no further. With this book, you will learn all the essentials of 2D game development by creating three epic games in a step-by-step manner throughout the course of this book. The first game will have you collecting as many cakes as possible. The second will transport you to outer space to traverse as far as possible while avoiding enemy spaceships. The last game will have you running and jumping across platforms to collect coins and other exotic items. Throughout all these three games, you will create characters, make them move, and create some enemies. And then, of course, write code to destroy them!. After showing you the necessities of creating a game, this book will then help you to porting the game to a mobile platform, and provide a path to publish it on the stores. By the end of this book, you will not only have created three complete great games, but be able to apply your knowledge to create and deploy your own games. What You Will Learn Work with Unity 2017’s new 2D workflow and create a 2D scene Set the scene with different types of backgrounds, either static or dynamically using a tileset Bring your character to life through simple animations Understand the core concepts of programming by creating basic code that controls a character and destroys an enemy Create buttons and game controls by using code snippets for input detection Develop three 2D games from genres such as classic arcade, space shooter, and platformer games Add audio and feedback and deploy your games