Unity iOS编程全攻略:实战指南

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"《Unity iOS编程:全面指南》是一本专为iOS平台设计的Unity游戏开发教程,由知名作者Jeremy Alessi所编撰。本书作为Cengage Learning出版集团的CourseTechnology PTR系列的一部分,旨在帮助开发者掌握在iPhone等移动设备上构建高质量3D游戏的技能。它涵盖了Unity引擎在iOS开发中的应用和所有必要的技术细节,适合那些希望扩展至iOS市场或者提升现有项目跨平台能力的专业人士。 本书结构详实,包括了从基础入门到高级技术的全面讲解,如3D模型创建、材质和纹理管理、物理模拟、动画制作、以及与iOS设备兼容的游戏逻辑。此外,书中还特别关注了与Apple平台的交互,确保游戏性能优化和用户体验一致性。 作者Jeremy Alessi不仅是一位经验丰富的程序员,还是出版商和总经理,他与团队紧密合作,包括营销总监Sarah Panella、编辑服务经理Heather Talbot,以及多个国家的市场营销人员,共同确保了内容的高质量和国际性。技术评审员Michelle Menard、项目编辑Marta Justak等人也对本书进行了严格的审校,确保内容准确无误。 《Unity iOS编程:全面指南》还配有一张光盘,可能包含额外的教程、示例代码或工具,帮助读者更深入地学习。版权方面,本书受法律保护,未经许可,任何形式的复制、传播或机械复制(如影印、录音、扫描、数字化等)都是禁止的。 这本书是Unity开发者在进军iOS市场的理想参考书籍,无论是希望从零开始学习iOS游戏开发,还是寻求优化现有项目的技术提升,都是一本不可多得的实战教材。"


Game Center * iTunes Setup * Init The Game Center * Leaderboards * Achievements * Changes * Friends * Real-Time Multiplayer * Trun Based Multiplayer In-App purchases (Cons. / Non-Cons.) * iTunes Setup * Coding Guidelines * Transactions Validation * Restoring Purchases * Store Product View Social Sharing * Facebook Post * Twitter Post * Native Sharing Dialog * Sending e-mail * Documentation iAd App Network * Banners * Interstitials * 9 Gravity Options supported * Ability to set Custom x, y banner point * iTunes Setup * Coding Guidelines Camera And Gallery * Taking Photo from Camera * Loading Texture from Gallery * Saving Texture to Gallery * Saving Screenshot to Gallery * Coding Guidelines iCloud * iTunes Setup * Coding Guidelines * Cloud Kit More features * Video API * Media Player API * Local Notifications * Push Notifications * Shared App API * Date Time Picker * Poups and Pre-loaders * System Native Events * Flash Like Events as gift Playmaker * Avaliable Actions List * iAd Playmaker Actions Guide * InApp Purchasing with Playmaker Supported 3-rd party plugins: * Playmaker - Artists and Designers: Realize your creative vision without coding! Unlock the power of Unity. * Simple IAP System - Takes the complexity out of in-app purchases (IAPs) and the billing process as a whole by providing a one-stop solution for managing IAPs. * OneSignal Boost Engagement With Smart Push Notifications. * Soomla Grow - With SOOMLA Grow, traditional analytics fade away. Instead of knowing your users based only on data you collect, you can now study their behavior across thousands of games. All Source Code is Open! IOS6, IOS7, IOS8, IOS9 - supported 8.1: New Features Cloud Kit. Read more: https://goo.gl/qxMHNf Fixes: Unity 5.3 compatibility Apple TV compilation
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