
0 下载量 130 浏览量 更新于2024-01-30 收藏 3.07MB DOC 举报
The IVsualBasic-SQL student information management system is a comprehensive software application designed specifically for Sichuan Media College. It utilizes SQL Server 2008 as the backend database and Visual Basic 6.0 as the frontend application development tool. By referencing Microsoft Active Data Object 2.7 Library component in Visual Basic 6.0 and accessing the database through file DSN, this system provides administrators with the ability to manage class information, course information, student basic information, and student disciplinary information. It includes features such as adding, deleting, and modifying information, as well as managing user privileges. In addition to the administrative functions, this system also offers specific features for teacher and student users. Teachers can log in to the system to check their class schedules and manage student grades. Students, on the other hand, can confirm their basic information, review their grades, and apply for scholarships. The system has been subjected to thorough testing on multiple computers, and it has been found to run smoothly and exhibit relative stability. It has also reached a certain scale and can effectively handle the student information management needs of Sichuan Media College. Keywords: student management system, information management system, management system, student information management