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In the lesson "Instinct or cleverness?" from the book New Concept 3, the author discusses humanity's deep-rooted fear of insects. From a young age, we are taught to fear and despise insects, viewing them as unnecessary creatures that bring more harm than good. In our constant war against them, we see insects as contaminators of our food, carriers of diseases, and destroyers of our crops.
Insects are seen as nuisances that sting or bite us without provocation and invade our living spaces uninvited. They disrupt our peace by buzzing around our heads, flying into our homes on warm summer nights, or battering themselves against our lighted windows. This fear and aversion to insects are ingrained in our culture and society, leading us to view them as a threat to our well-being.
Despite our negative perception of insects, the author challenges us to consider whether our fear is irrational or based on instinct. Are insects truly malicious creatures intent on causing us harm, or are they simply following their instincts for survival? The author prompts us to question our preconceived notions and biases against insects and to consider the possibility that they may serve a greater purpose in the natural ecosystem.
Through this thought-provoking lesson, the author encourages us to reexamine our relationship with insects and to approach them with a greater sense of understanding and respect. By transcending our fear and acknowledging the valuable role insects play in the environment, we can foster a deeper connection to the natural world and cultivate a more harmonious coexistence with all living creatures. Ultimately, the lesson challenges us to look beyond our initial impressions and embrace a more compassionate and enlightened perspective on the diverse creatures that inhabit our planet.
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