
需积分: 5 1 下载量 162 浏览量 更新于2024-03-19 收藏 1.6MB DOCX 举报
Chushui High School Online Examination System is designed to address the existing issues in the online examination process of Chushui High School. Utilizing the advantages of computer systems and incorporating the most popular B/S structure, MVC three-tier design pattern in Java, and Eclipse editor, as well as MySQL database design, this system offers modules for user management, course information management, teacher information management, student information management, exam paper management, login, and logout. Through testing, the system has achieved its design goals, promoting informationization and networking in the examination process while effectively utilizing data resources and reducing economic investments. Compared to traditional management methods, this system has greatly improved the efficiency of the Chushui High School online examination process.