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"本书《Big Data Analytics with Spark》是一本实践者指南,旨在介绍如何使用Spark进行大规模数据处理、机器学习、图分析以及高速数据流处理。作者是Mohammed Guller,书中深入探讨了Spark在大数据分析领域的应用,同时涉及了Spark作为MapReduce的替代方案,以及Scala基础知识。" 在大数据生态系统中,Spark作为一个快速、通用且可扩展的数据处理框架,已经成为业界的宠儿。它提供了一种更为高效的方式来处理大规模数据,相比于Hadoop的MapReduce模型,Spark通过内存计算显著提升了数据处理速度。MapReduce主要依赖磁盘I/O,而Spark则利用内存来缓存数据,使得迭代计算和交互式查询更为高效。 Spark的核心组件包括Spark Core、Spark SQL、Spark Streaming、MLlib(机器学习库)和GraphX(图计算)。Spark Core提供了分布式任务调度和内存管理的基础架构;Spark SQL则整合了SQL查询与DataFrame,使得结构化数据处理变得简单;Spark Streaming用于实时数据流处理,它可以处理来自多种数据源的高流量数据;MLlib则为数据科学家提供了丰富的机器学习算法,简化了模型构建和实验过程;GraphX则是处理图形数据的库,支持复杂的图算法。 Scala是一种多范式编程语言,它是Spark的主要编程语言,结合了面向对象和函数式编程的特点。学习Scala对于深入理解和开发Spark应用至关重要。Spark API设计简洁且富有表达力,使得开发者可以轻松地构建复杂的数据处理管道。 本书详细介绍了如何使用Spark进行大规模数据处理,包括数据读取、转换、清洗和聚合,以及如何利用Spark SQL进行查询优化。同时,书中的章节还涵盖了机器学习流程,如特征工程、模型选择和评估,以及使用MLlib实现常见的机器学习算法,如分类、回归和聚类。此外,书中还会讨论Spark如何处理图数据,以及Spark Streaming如何处理实时数据流,适用于物联网、社交媒体分析等场景。 通过阅读本书,读者不仅可以掌握Spark的基本用法,还能了解到如何在实际项目中应用Spark解决复杂的大数据分析问题。不论是数据工程师、数据科学家还是对大数据感兴趣的从业者,都能从中受益,提升自己在大数据处理和分析领域的技能。
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Paperback: 277 pages Publisher: Apress; 1st ed. 2015 edition (December 25, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1484209656 ISBN-13: 978-1484209653 Big Data Analytics with Spark is a step-by-step guide for learning Spark, which is an open-source fast and general-purpose cluster computing framework for large-scale data analysis. You will learn how to use Spark for different types of big data analytics projects, including batch, interactive, graph, and stream data analysis as well as machine learning. In addition, this book will help you become a much sought-after Spark expert. Spark is one of the hottest Big Data technologies. The amount of data generated today by devices, applications and users is exploding. Therefore, there is a critical need for tools that can analyze large-scale data and unlock value from it. Spark is a powerful technology that meets that need. You can, for example, use Spark to perform low latency computations through the use of efficient caching and iterative algorithms; leverage the features of its shell for easy and interactive Data analysis; employ its fast batch processing and low latency features to process your real time data streams and so on. As a result, adoption of Spark is rapidly growing and is replacing Hadoop MapReduce as the technology of choice for big data analytics. This book provides an introduction to Spark and related big-data technologies. It covers Spark core and its add-on libraries, including Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, GraphX, and MLlib. Big Data Analytics with Spark is therefore written for busy professionals who prefer learning a new technology from a consolidated source instead of spending countless hours on the Internet trying to pick bits and pieces from different sources. The book also provides a chapter on Scala, the hottest functional programming language, and the program that underlies Spark. You’ll learn the basics of functional programming in Scala, so that you can write Spark applications in it. What's more, Big Data Analytics with Spark provides an introduction to other big data technologies that are commonly used along with Spark, like Hive, Avro, Kafka and so on. So the book is self-sufficient; all the technologies that you need to know to use Spark are covered. The only thing that you are expected to know is programming in any language. There is a critical shortage of people with big data expertise, so companies are willing to pay top dollar for people with skills in areas like Spark and Scala. So reading this book and absorbing its principles will provide a boost―possibly a big boost―to your career.
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Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics by Md. Rezaul Karim English | 25 July 2017 | ISBN: 1785280848 | ASIN: B072J4L8FQ | 898 Pages | AZW3 | 20.56 MB Harness the power of Scala to program Spark and analyze tonnes of data in the blink of an eye! About This Book Learn Scala's sophisticated type system that combines Functional Programming and object-oriented concepts Work on a wide array of applications, from simple batch jobs to stream processing and machine learning Explore the most common as well as some complex use-cases to perform large-scale data analysis with Spark Who This Book Is For Anyone who wishes to learn how to perform data analysis by harnessing the power of Spark will find this book extremely useful. No knowledge of Spark or Scala is assumed, although prior programming experience (especially with other JVM languages) will be useful to pick up concepts quicker. What You Will Learn Understand object-oriented & functional programming concepts of Scala In-depth understanding of Scala collection APIs Work with RDD and DataFrame to learn Spark's core abstractions Analysing structured and unstructured data using SparkSQL and GraphX Scalable and fault-tolerant streaming application development using Spark structured streaming Learn machine-learning best practices for classification, regression, dimensionality reduction, and recommendation system to build predictive models with widely used algorithms in Spark MLlib & ML Build clustering models to cluster a vast amount of data Understand tuning, debugging, and monitoring Spark applications Deploy Spark applications on real clusters in Standalone, Mesos, and YARN In Detail Scala has been observing wide adoption over the past few years, especially in the field of data science and analytics. Spark, built on Scala, has gained a lot of recognition and is being used widely in productions. Thus, if you want to leverage the power of Scala and Spark to make sense of big data, this book is for you. The first part introduces you to Scala, helping you understand the object-oriented and functional programming concepts needed for Spark application development. It then moves on to Spark to cover the basic abstractions using RDD and DataFrame. This will help you develop scalable and fault-tolerant streaming applications by analyzing structured and unstructured data using SparkSQL, GraphX, and Spark structured streaming. Finally, the book moves on to some advanced topics, such as monitoring, configuration, debugging, testing, and deployment. You will also learn how to develop Spark applications using SparkR and PySpark APIs, interactive data analytics using Zeppelin, and in-memory data processing with Alluxio. By the end of this book, you will have a thorough understanding of Spark, and you will be able to perform full-stack data analytics with a feel that no amount of data is too big. Style and approach Filled with practical examples and use cases, this book will hot only help you get up and running with Spark, but will also take you farther down the road to becoming a data scientist.