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Development and design of idiom puzzle game
In this project, a Java-based idiom puzzle game was developed and designed using the visual programming software Eclipse. The game features a grid layout interface with each grid having a mouse click event listener for swapping functionality. Images were sliced using image cropping functions and placed on each grid. Object arrays were used to define the grids for easier attribute access in the future.
The main modules of the game include viewing the original image, reordering the image tiles, and a timed challenge mode. Background images and music were added to enhance the gameplay experience.
Overall, the game provides an interactive and entertaining way for players to exercise their brains while having fun with Chinese idioms. The development process focused on user-friendly design and smooth gameplay mechanics. With its various modes and features, the idiom puzzle game offers players a challenging and engaging experience from start to finish.
2023-05-29 上传
2022-06-11 上传
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