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"《你的Excel生存指南:在Excel世界中生存和繁荣》是作者Anne Walsh创作的一本关于提升Excel技能的书籍。这本书旨在帮助那些在工作中需要更多Excel技能的人,通过简单易懂的方式讲解了VLOOKUP、透视表、Power Query和Power Pivot等关键功能。全书共分为7章,涵盖了基础操作、数据整理、VLOOKUP函数、创建透视表、使用Power Query快速清理数据以及Power Pivot的运用。此外,还包括了一篇关于数据验证技术的附录,以帮助读者更好地管理和限制数据输入。" 本书首先介绍了目标读者群体和将要覆盖的主题,并设立了几个基本的排版约定和特殊元素。接着,第一章回归基础,回顾了Excel的基本知识,如数据输入技巧、公式基础、常见函数理解和复制功能,以及工作表的操作和Excel中的颜色标记。 第二章侧重于数据收集,讲解了如何从零开始创建电子表格列表,从数据堆中提取信息,以及排序和过滤数据的方法。 第三章进一步探讨数据清洗和切片,包括删除或完成空白列/行/单元格,合并和修正现有数据,以及从单元格中提取特定信息来细化数据,还介绍了如何使用IFERROR函数。 第四章重点讲解了VLOOKUP函数,包括其语法、问题排查、适用场景以及解决常见问题的策略。 第五章是关于创建透视表的内容,详细阐述了如何组装数据、创建首个透视表,理解“按值汇总”功能,优化透视表中的数字,刷新数据,按日期和金额分组,使用报告筛选器,设置切片器(仅适用于Excel 2010或更高版本),以及调整透视表布局和格式。 第六章介绍了Power Query在快速清理数据方面的应用,如清理会计数据,将未展开的数据转换为展开格式,以及创建查询以合并数据集。 第七章超越了透视表,进入了Power Pivot的世界,解释了如何安装和定位Power Pivot,获取数据,链接数据集,以及从组合数据中创建透视表。 最后,附录部分提供了数据验证技术,包括限制数字大小、日期输入、文本输入的限制,扩展数据验证,以及在工作表的其他部分应用数据验证和识别列表中的重复条目。 这本《你的Excel生存指南》是一本全面且实用的参考书籍,无论你是初学者还是有一定经验的用户,都能从中受益,提升Excel技能,更好地应对日常工作中与数据打交道的挑战。


You have just been promoted into a job that requires more Excel skills than ever. You are floundering, drowning in a sea of spreadsheets. This book walks you through in an easy accessible way—vlookups, pivot tables, Power Query, and Power Pivot. The Excel Survival Kit is small enough to slip into your purse. Chapter 1, “Back to Basics: What Do You Know Already?”: This chapter provides a quick intro to the absolute essentials you need to know to grapple with Excel. It shows you how to tackle common tasks like printing, sorting and filtering, and fixing cells. It is set up as a series of numbered steps that you can quickly work through to learn or get reacquainted with Excel basics. Note This book comes with files you can practice on. Find these files at www.mrexcel.com/survivalfiles.html. Chapter 2, “Getting Your Data Together: Catching Your File”: This chapter is about getting your data together and, more importantly, assembling your data in a way that makes doing all the other clever stuff with Excel relatively straightforward. This is the secret sauce. This chapter shows you how to set up a list so that your data is entered accurately and completely. It shows you how to set up your data so that you can easily get whatever you need out of it later on. It shows you how to set up a simple list and how to create a list for your recurring data. It’s the piece that’s often omitted in many Excel books. You get it here. Chapter 3, “Further Cleaning, Slicing, and Dicing”: Yes, at this point you’ve already got your data into good shape, but you may still need to do further clean-up. This chapter shows you how to remove/complete blank rows, columns, and cells. You will learn some clever quick techniques to clean, combine, and amend existing data. You will also see examples of using formulas to extract specific pieces of data from a data set. You will learn how to identify and remove duplicates and to use conditional formatting to quickly identify the appropriate entries. Chapter 4, “The Vlookup() Function: An Excel Essential”: One of the key tasks in Excel is pulling in and assembling matching data from different sources. To do this, you need to know Excel’s Vlookup() function. This entire chapter focuses on this function, including how to use it and also its pitfalls and idiosyncrasies so that you know how to handle this function with speed and care. You will learn how to use it to compare lists and identify missing data (in minutes rather than hours). Chapter 5, “Creating Pivot Tables”: When you need to summarize and present all the data you have so lovingly gathered, cleaned, and assembled, you need to use a pivot table. You can use a pivot table to summarize thousands of rows of data in minutes. A learner once described it to me beautifully as “shrinking your data,” and that’s what a pivot table allows you to do. You can quickly and easily view your data by months or by various headings. If your boss wants to get a different view of some data and if you have a pivot table, you can deliver the goods in minutes. Moving from manual data organization using filters and sorting to using pivot tables is like moving from walking to driving. Chapter 6, “Using Power Query to Quickly Clean Up Data”: Before this point in the book, you have done a lot of data clean-up manually. In this chapter you learn how to use Power Query to do that work in minutes and, even more amazingly, how to store the steps you take so that all you have to do when you get next month’s data is change the data source. Power Query is a game changer, but it’s still not very well known beyond the Excel world, so if you learn to use it, you have the inside track. I have to say that every time I use Power Query to clean up data, I feel like a magician—and I want you to feel like that, too. Chapter 7, “Beyond the Pivot Table: Power Pivot”: If using pivot tables is like driving a car, using Power Pivot is like travelling by jet. Power Pivot allows you to assemble lots of different data sets together without using Vlookup()s and to generate pivot tables with formulas (measures) that allow you to look at your data in all sorts of new ways. Power Pivot is the future of pivot tables, and you’ll get a taste of it here
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