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The software design of an 8-channel temperature detection instrument with RS485 communication function is summarized in this report. The temperature is a crucial parameter in industrial production and automatic control, requiring accurate detection and control. To meet the requirements of temperature acquisition and measurement, this system utilizes AT89S52 as the main control chip for an 8-channel temperature detection system. This system can perform temperature detection and numerical display for multiple points, and it also has RS485 communication capability. The main modules of this system include temperature acquisition, microcontroller control, AD conversion, temperature display, and RS485 communication. The system primarily uses a Pt100 thermistor temperature sensor for temperature detection, and the collected values are converted via AD conversion. Subsequently, the temperature is displayed on an LCD screen, and temperature alarm functionality is realized by setting upper and lower temperature thresholds.
The thesis firstly provides a brief introduction to the basic principles and overall structure of the system. Then, it elaborates on the hardware and software components, with a detailed description of the software part. Finally, the thesis concludes with system debugging and analysis, verifying the functionality of the system.
Keywords: AT89S52, RS485, AD conversion, PT100 temperature sensor.
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