
需积分: 5 0 下载量 16 浏览量 更新于2024-01-09 收藏 5.86MB PDF 举报
The presented document is a technical report on the PostgreSQL specialty session at the 2016 YunQi Conference, which delves into the latest advancements in PostgreSQL 9.6 and specifically focuses on the Full Text Search (FTS) feature. The document provides an overview of the core features of PostgreSQL, such as Locale support and extendability through GiST, GIN, SP-GiST, as well as NoSQL functionalities like hstore and jsonb. It also discusses indexed regexp search and the custom AM capabilities in PostgreSQL. The report highlights the key improvements and new features in Full Text Search in PostgreSQL 9.6, presented by Oleg Bartunov from Postgres Professional. The presentation covers the advancements in FTS that have been made in PostgreSQL 9.6, including improved performance, scalability, and functionality. These enhancements make FTS an even more powerful and efficient tool for users and developers. The document also provides information on the PostgreSQL specialty session at the 2016 YunQi Conference, including details on how to join the PG community discussion groups on "钉钉" (DingTalk) and "微信" (WeChat). The report encourages active participation and collaboration within the PostgreSQL community for knowledge sharing and support. In summary, the document offers valuable insights into the latest developments in PostgreSQL 9.6 and the Full Text Search feature, as well as promoting engagement with the PostgreSQL community for further learning and professional growth. It serves as an essential resource for PostgreSQL users and developers seeking to stay updated with the latest technologies and advancements in the field.


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