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The provided document is a reference answer sheet for the formative assessment workbook of the subject "Computer Networks". It covers the first chapter, which is an overview of networks.
In the first section, there are fill-in-the-blank questions. The answers to these questions include various network topologies, such as star, bus, and ring. The second question is about classifying computer networks based on their geographic coverage, which includes Local Area Networks (LAN), Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN), and Wide Area Networks (WAN). The third question mentions the direction of modern communication towards digitization, broadband, integration, and intelligence.
The second section contains multiple-choice questions. The first question asks about the main reason for classifying Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) as a separate category, and the correct answer is that MAN covers a range of tens to hundreds of kilometers. The second question asks about the network topology in which it is difficult to add new sites, and the correct answer is ring topology. The third question is about the "three-network convergence" trend, and the correct answer states that satellite communication network does not belong to the three networks, which are traditional telecommunication network, computer network (mainly referring to the Internet), and cable television network. The fourth question mentions the recent introduction of a new service by companies offering free email, but the answer is not provided in the given content.
Overall, the document provides reference answers to the formative assessment workbook for the "Computer Networks" subject. It covers network topologies, classification based on coverage, and trends in communication technology. The reference answers help students understand and check their understanding of the subject matter.

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