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本篇文档是一份详尽的基础Aruba无线控制器操作手册,主要介绍了如何对新启动的Aruba 3200无线控制器进行初始化配置。在初次启动时,无线控制器需要通过一系列步骤来设置基本网络参数,以便后续管理。 首先,用户需要输入系统名称,这里设定为"Aruba-master",这是为了标识控制器的身份。接下来,配置VLAN 1的接口IP地址和子网掩码,如172.16.0.254和255.255.255.0,这些是控制器与网络连接的基础配置。 管理员还需要输入默认网关(如果需要),在这里选择none,表示没有默认路由。在设置网络角色时,选择"master",表明这台控制器将是整个网络的核心设备。随后,根据所在国家代码选择相应选项,这里是选择了中国(CN)作为示例。 关于时区,用户被提示输入格林尼治标准时间(GMT)及当前时间。日期的输入也至关重要,例如这里设定为11/03/2008。在设置管理员登录密码时,初次输入和确认密码是必要的安全步骤。 当进入enable模式时,会要求设置一个更短的密码,用于进入更高级别的管理操作。用户可以选择不立即关闭所有端口,保持网络连接的可用性。 最后,系统会显示所有的配置选项供用户确认,包括系统名、VLAN 1的IP配置、角色、时区等。如果接受这些更改,系统将重启以应用新配置。在进行更改之前,用户可以使用<ctrl-P>键返回上一级菜单进行进一步检查或修改。 这份操作手册提供了细致的步骤,对于刚接触Aruba无线控制器的新手来说,是进行基础配置的重要参考,有助于确保设备正确且高效地接入网络环境。通过逐步操作,用户可以建立起一个稳定和安全的网络架构。
2011-10-27 上传
The ArubaOS command line interface (CLI) allows you to configure and manage your controllers. The CLI is accessible from a local console connected to the serial port on the controllers or through a Telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) session from a remote management console or workstation. What’s New In ArubaOS 6.0 The following commands have been added in the ArubaOS 6.0 Command Line Interface. Note: Telnet access is disabled by default on Dell controllers. To enable Telnet access, enter the telnet cli command from a serial connection or an SSH session, or in the WebUI navigate to the Configuration > Management > General page. Command Description aaa dns-queryperiod Configure how often the controller should generate a DNS request to cache the IP address for a RADIUS server identified via its fully qualified domain name (FQDN). ap spectrum localoverride Convert an AP or AM into a spectrum monitor by adding it to the spectrum local-override list. ipv6 enable This command enables IPv6 packet processing globally. This option is disabled by default. local-userdbremote- node This command adds a Remote Node to the Remote Node whitelist. You can also delete the whitelist entry using this command. remote-node-localip This command configures the switch-IP address and preshared key for the local Remote Node on a master Remote Node. remote-nodemasterip This command configures the IP address and preshared key for the master Remote Node on a local Remote Node. remote-node-profile The remote-node-profile command lets you create a Remote Node profile. Once in Remote Node profile configuration mode, you can issue any of the following commands to define the values you want to assign to that profile. rf am-scan-profile Configure an Air Monitor (AM) scanning profile. rf spectrum-profile Define the spectrum band and device ageout times used by a spectrum monitor radio. show ap debug crash-info Show crash log information (if it exists) for an individual AP. The stored information is cleared from the flash after the AP reboots. show ap spectrum ap-list This command shows spectrum data seen by an access point that has been converted to a spectrum monitor. show ap spectrum channel-metrics This command shows channel quality, availability and utilization metrics as seen by a spectrum monitor. show ap spectrum channel-summary This command displays a summary of the 802.11a or 802.11g channels seen by a spectrum monitor. show ap spectrum client-list This command shows details for clients seen by a specified spectrum monitor. show ap spectrum debug monitors Show a detailed description of all spectrum monitors on the controller.