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本文档详细介绍了如何下载和查看CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5)的数据,这是一个全球气候模型的集合,用于评估未来和历史气候变化情景。CMIP5数据对于气候研究、政策制定以及气候模型验证至关重要。 首先,用户需要注册一个ESGF (Earth System Grid Federation) 账户。推荐使用Google Chrome或Mozilla Firefox浏览器,因为这些浏览器与ESGF平台兼容性较好,避免使用Safari或Internet Explorer。访问,填写用户注册信息并获取确认邮件中的OpenID,例如:*,用这个OpenID进行登录。 登录后,用户需要设置密码并进行登录。登录后,搜索功能允许用户根据项目选择"CMIP5"。在CMIP5项目下,进一步细化搜索选项,包括实验类型(如RCP未来的RCP8.5、RCP6.0、RCP4.5和RCP2.6,以及历史性的数据),模型,时间频率和变量。每个选项的选择都对应着不同的气候模拟结果,比如不同排放路径下的未来气候情景,或者历史上的气候记录。 下载过程中,用户需要注意选择适当的分辨率和覆盖范围,以满足他们的研究需求。由于数据量大,可能需要耐心等待下载完成,并且在处理NetCDF文件时,可能会使用可视化工具来更好地理解和分析数据。 本文档提供了对CMIP5数据获取的全面指南,涵盖了从注册账户、登录、搜索到具体数据下载和初步分析的全过程,确保了气候科学家和其他研究人员能够有效地获取和利用这些关键的气候模型数据进行科研工作。在实际操作中,用户需遵循文档提供的步骤,以获得准确和完整的CMIP5数据集。
2020-04-21 上传
Use of NWAI-WG data   So far, NWAI-WG data have been used on a collaborative basis in publications (see the attached file). The major reasons are the data were not widely distributed. They were only used in our group and our collaborative networks. There were some cases with requests of the data made after people read Liu and Zou's (2012) paper. You have two options for using the data. Option 1: Collaboration with us. In this case, we will help you to describe the downscaling method and contribute to other parts of the paper such as comments/suggestions on the papers, if the fields are within our expertise. Option 2: Use of the data on your own. While option 1 for collaboration with us is welcome, option 2 is also highly encouraged, particularly, when the data are used for these research disciplines, rather than agricultural related. Thanks to Professor Yu who provides us with his group's web site ( as a media for distribution of the data.   Acknowledgment for option 1  “We acknowledge the modelling groups, the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI) and the WCRP’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) for their roles in making available the WCRP CMIP5 multi-model dataset. Support of this dataset is provided by the Office of Science, US Department of Energy. Dr. Ian Macadam of the University of New South Wales downloaded the raw GCM monthly data. ”   Acknowledgment for option 2  “We acknowledge the modelling groups, the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI) and the WCRP’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) for their roles in making available the WCRP CMIP5 multi-model dataset. Support of this dataset is provided by the Office of Science, US Department of Energy. Dr. Ian Macadam of the University of New South Wales downloaded the raw GCM monthly data. Dr. De Li Liu of the NSW Department of Primary Industries used NWAI-WG to downscale downscaled daily data. Also, thanks to AGRIVY ( provides us the data for this study.”
2021-03-30 上传