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《Oracle Core Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers》是由Jonathan Lewis编著的一本专为数据库管理员(DBA)和开发人员设计的权威指南。该书深入剖析了Oracle数据库的核心内部机制,帮助读者理解并掌握关键概念和技术。 第1章"Getting Started"主要介绍了Oracle数据库在进程中的运行方式和实际操作,让读者对Oracle的基础有初步了解。章节内容涵盖了Oracle在操作系统中的定位、基本操作流程以及总结要点。 第2章"Redo and Undo"聚焦于重做日志和撤销段,这是事务处理的关键组成部分。章节讲解了数据变化的基本原理,探讨了Oracle如何通过重做记录和撤销记录来保持数据一致性。这部分详细阐述了ACID特性,讨论了重做操作的简单性与撤销操作的复杂性,以及读一致性、回滚等概念。 第3章"Transactions and Consistency"深入研究了交易和一致性问题,包括冲突解决策略、事务与撤销的关系,以及事务开始和结束的处理。还介绍了事务表的作用以及如何通过Undo块来跟踪数据修改,涉及并发操作和提交顺序控制。 第4章"Locks and Latches"剖析了锁定和信号量(latches)在并发控制中的作用,包括数据结构如数组、指针、链表和哈希表,以及它们在Oracle系统中的逻辑。章节讲解了死锁的概念,不同类型的锁定模式,以及latches和locks的交互。 第5章"Caches and Copies"详细讨论了内存管理、缓冲区和副本的使用。内容涵盖内存管理原则、数据缓存、多级缓存、缓冲池的运作,以及读一致性副本的创建和物理I/O。 第6章"Writing and Recovery"涉及数据写入和恢复过程,包括目标系统、日志写入器、ACID异常以及数据库写入器和检查点的管理。此外,还有媒体恢复、备用数据库和闪回数据库等恢复技术的介绍。 第7章"Parsing and Optimizing"讲解SQL解析和优化,包括解析过程、库缓存、共享池结构和SQL执行的细节,帮助读者理解性能调优技巧。 第8章"RAC and Ruin"探讨了Real Application Clusters(RAC)架构,强调高可用性和可扩展性,深入剖析网格资源分布、主备角色、故障恢复以及序列管理的内部机制。 最后的附录"Dumping and Debugging"提供了数据库调试和问题排查的相关工具和技术,如oradebug,以及数据文件和日志文件的分析方法。 本书对于想要深入了解Oracle数据库内部工作原理的专业人员来说是一本不可或缺的参考资料,它通过翔实的解释和实例,揭示了Oracle的核心机制,无论你是DBA还是开发者,都能从中获益良多。
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Oracle Core: Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers Jonathan Lewis (Author) <<Book Details>> Paperback: 280 pages Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (November 23, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 1430239549 ISBN-13: 978-1430239543 <<Book Description>> Oracle Core: Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers by Jonathan Lewis provides just the essential information about Oracle Database internals that every database administrator needs for troubleshooting—no more, no less. Oracle Database seems complex on the surface. However, its extensive feature set is really built upon upon a core infrastructure resulting from sound architectural decisions made very early on that have stood the test of time. This core infrastructure manages transactions and the ability to commit and roll back changes, protects the integrity of the database, enables backup and recovery, and allows for scalability to thousands of users all accessing the same data. Most performance, backup, and recovery problems that database administrators face on a daily basis can easily be identified through understanding the essential core of Oracle Database architecture that Lewis describes in this book. * Provides proven content from a world-renowned performance and troubleshooting expert * Emphasizes the significance of internals knowledge to rapid identification of database performance problems * Covers the core essentials and does not waste your time with esoterica What you’ll learn * Oracle's core architectural foundations * How much overhead is reasonable * How to recognize when you're doing too much work * How to predict bottlenecks and why they will happen * How to minimise contention and locking * Why concurrency can slow things down significantly Who this book is for Oracle Core: Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers is aimed at database administrators ready to move beyond the beginning stage of doing work by rote towards the mastery stage, in which knowledge of what needs to be done comes not from a set of recipe-style instructions, but rather from the intimate knowledge and understanding of the system to be managed. Experienced database administrators will also find the book useful in solidifying their knowledge and filling in any missing pieces of the Oracle Database puzzle. Table of Contents 1. Getting Started... 2. Redo and Undo 3. Transactions and Consistency 4. Locks and Latches 5. Caches and Copies 6. Writing and Recovery 7. Parsing and Optimizing 8. RAC and Ruin <<Amazon link>>