"NP问题的非黑盒ZK论证探讨:Barak’s协议与Non-BB ZK"

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09 Non-BB ZK (Barak's protocol).pptx is a presentation that discusses the concept of Non-Black-Box Zero Knowledge protocols, specifically Barak's protocol. The speaker of the presentation, xyi, delves into the idea of Non-BB ZK and how it differs from traditional black-box ZK protocols. One key aspect of Non-BB ZK, as explained in the presentation, is the concept of soundness. In the context of NP problems, Non-BB ZK protocols are crucial for ensuring the soundness of the proofs. The speaker emphasizes the need for Non-BB proofs in NP problems and highlights the reasons behind this necessity. The presentation delves into the reasons why Non-BB proofs are needed for NP problems, citing the lack of L∈BPP and the implications of having a black-box protocol that satisfies certain conditions. It is argued that a non-black-box simulator is required to ensure the reliability and security of the verification process, as traditional black-box protocols may be susceptible to manipulation by dishonest provers. The speaker goes on to discuss the differences between Non-BB proofs and traditional black-box proofs, exploring the complexities and challenges involved in devising non-black-box simulators that are both efficient and universal. The idea that proving the existence of a simulator for each verifier is simpler than proving the existence of a universal simulator for all verifiers is explored in detail. Overall, the presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of Non-BB ZK and Barak's protocol, shedding light on the complexities and intricacies of non-black-box proofs in the context of NP problems. The speaker's insights and explanations serve to deepen the audience's understanding of this important topic in the field of cryptography and protocol design.